
Teleconferences are held biweekly or as needed via Goto meeting announced in the DWG mailing list and on the OGC portal. They usually take place at 16 UTC on Wednesdays.

Some guidance for successful telcos and remote access at face-to-face meetings, based on our experiences:
  • Practice the technology;
  • Allow enough time before the scheduled start time to set up the technology;
  • Speak into your microphone;
  • Ask people if they can hear your, either remotely or at the back of the room;
  • Move to microphone in front of inexperienced speakers;
  • All speakers should state their name and affiliation;
  • The Chair/Organiser, with a microphone, may need to repeat questions and points for remote attendees.
A few years ago, the integrated audio in applications like Webex and GoToMeeting was not good, and dialling on a separate phone line for audio was recommended.

Generally, this is no longer true, and integrated audio, and video, in GoToMeeting is recommended, even if you are not showing any screens or documents.

The advantage of using GoToMeeting, even for audio only calls, are:
  • The Chair/Meeting Organiser can mute those with background noise (keyboards, teacups, dogs, children, transport, etc);
  • Useful side conversations can occur with the instant chat panel;
  • These chats can be broadcast to all, or one to one;
  • Screens and applications can be shared, whether WIndows, MacOS, IOS, Linux or Android;
  • All aspects of the session can be recorded, to help with formal minutes, or even replace them, but the recording needs to be converted to mp4 format at the end of the session and stored;
  • The sessions are easily established from the OGC Portal calendar view.
The disadvantage of GoToMeeting is that only the organiser can start the meeting. If they do not appear, everyone is left incommunicado. Some OGC Staff have admin rights over the applpiation and can start the session instead, but in general there is no way that co-chairs can be set up.

If an organiser is delayed, the best option is probably for someone present to establish a new meeting and initiate it.

Video is usually an unnecessary distraction.

Doodle is useful for voting on regular sessions or a special one-off session.

WorldClock Meeting Planner is essential for proposing sensible times. It is very reliable and accurate for daylight saving switchovers, time zones, etc.

-- ChrisLittle - 27 Aug 2015
I Attachment Action SizeSorted descending Date Who Comment
grib.pdfpdf grib.pdf manage 12 MB 30 Nov 2015 - 21:30 DanielLee Presentation on GRIB2 metadata profile for WCS
Topic revision: r113 - 07 Sep 2016, AlexandreLeroux
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