Minutes of Telecon 27 July 2010


  • Andrew Woolf (chair)
  • Bruce Wright


1) Review Actions

  • ACTION A9: AW to flesh out polar year use case further using real example from polar year. REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A18: AW to follow up on hydrology use case (possibly re WRON work in australia). REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A35: BW: co-ordinate activity between Chris Little (current owner of UC11), Paul Davies (chief hydrometerologist @ uk flood forecasting centre & Andrew Woolf (provide insight from exposure to australian WaterML project & INSPIRE annex 1 Hydrography twg). CLOSE, see Flood Forecasting item (below)
  • ACTION A37: JT, AW Discuss focus on query models / operations regarding mo.dwg conceptual modeling & report back. DONE, CLOSE
    • Note. JT's interest in query models is to understand the type of objects that could be returned from a query - eg querying a 4d cube to get a trajectory as a return type. Looking to identify topology of feature types in terms of things we are sampling, and things we are returning from queries. AW and JT discussed the issue:
      • WFS 2.0 (i.e. the ISO 19142 version) provides the ability to perform 'stored queries', offering a richer set of possibilities for querying in a 'features' context than those provided just with the Filter Encoding Spec.
      • A given WFS server can be 'introspected' to discover which queries are supported
      • Important to note is that 'stored queries' are scoped to the WFS server, not feature types. I.e. a stored query is not associated to a particular source feature type (although it does have a defined result feature type).
      • The interesting question is around the possible relationship between WFS stored queries and the GF_Operation of the General Feature Model. If a connection can be established then this gives us the opportunity to: (i) incorporate operations into our data modelling process, and (ii) have an accepted implementation mechanism available.
  • ACTION A38: JT Co-ordinate addition of WMO table-driven-codes (GRIB & BUFR etc.) to data models analysis on mo.dwg twiki. REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A40: PT Share data model analysis work with the group if possible. REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A41 JT: Decide who is doing UC11 CLOSE, see Flood Forecasting item (below)
  • ACTION A45 AB:send out email or info on the process of WXXM Mapping to netcdf/grib etc. REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A46 FG: Fred to provide Bruce with avalanche info. REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A47 SV, BW, FG: find examples of inspire use cases - report back from inspire 19th July. DONE, CLOSE
  • ACTION A48 FG: Upload UC11 info to twiki. DONE, CLOSE
  • ACTION A49 BobW to review UC4: multi-model ensemble forecasting to reduce or mitigate impacts of landfalling hurricane and provide input into it. REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A50 JT to talk to Met Office climate folk to drive international support for CCIP-2. REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A51 BB to send JT the details of the next CCIP-2 telecon. REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A52 JT to get involved in next CCIP-2 telecon in 2-3 weeks time. REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A53 BB to send JT the a package of information from the BoM Climate and Water Division on UC7 (Past Climate Data) activities. REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A54 BB to identify current situation with the SOS deployments. REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A55 BB to promote the involvement of CSIRO and BoM in UC7 (Past Climate Data). REMAINS OPEN
  • ACTION A56: JT to consider revised telcon times. REMAINS OPEN

2) UC11: Flood Forecasting

It has been difficult to establish a lead for UC11: Flood Forecasting within the MO.DWG Conceptual Modelling Group. However, this is a very active use case with INSPIRE:
  • Draft INSPIRE Use Case documents produced by Frederic Guillaud and Raymond Sluiter for the INSPIRE TWG AC-MF are on the MO.DWG Wiki;
  • This will be an INSPIRE cross-theme use case, with a Telcon planned for late September/early October (and possibly another later in October), and a face-to-face meeting planned for December.
It was therefore provisionally agreed that MO.DWG should park this use case and leave INSPIRE to take it forward (at least in the short term).

3) O&M

The MO.DWG has already identified O&M as the prime candidate to form the basis as the basis of the Met-Ocean data model, so rather than attempt to develop the data model from scratch from the use cases, it was agreed that the approach should be to try to map the content of each use case dataset onto an instance of the O&M conceptual model. This has been foreshadowed in the structure adopted by JT for UC7.

For those who have access to the OGC portal, the O&M draft international standard is lodged in the pending document list (10-004r2), with annex D (Best practices in use of the observation and sampling models) being of particular relevance, as it covers the idea of bring together the ideas of sampling features and coverage observations to give the concept of sampling coverage observations. This approach forms the basis of CSML 3, for which there should be a draft version out very soon, which will be made available to this group.

4) Linking Ocean to Met in INSPIRE

The role is currently vacant for the INSPIRE TWG focused on Oceanography (Sea Regions and Oceanographic Geographical Features). If a link was able to be established with the MO.DWG, this would help with consistency of approach between the INSPIRE TWGs (AC-MF, SR-OF), and facilitate a greater representation of the Ocean side within the MO.DWG.

5) Minutes review ahead of issue

It was agreed to leave discussion on this until next Telcon (hopefully with a better representation)

  • NEW ACTION A57: AW or JT to raise issue of reviewing minutes ahead of issue at next Telcon

6) Telcon times

It was believed that agreement has been reached to hold the Aus/Europe Telcon at a reguar slot of 07:00 UTC (an hour later that previously).

7) Next Telcon

  • Aus/Europe 3rd August 2010 07:00 UTC (note this is an hour later than previously)
  • US/Europe 10th August 2010 14:00 UTC

-- BruceWright - 27 Jul 2010
Topic revision: r2 - 28 Jul 2010, AndrewWoolf
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