Participants: Stephan Siemen, Ben Domenico, Joseph Matula, Adrian Custer, Frederic Guillaud, Marie-Françoise Voidrot

The twiki has been reorganised to distinguish between the use cases for the Conceptual Modelling thread ( and those for the WMS best practices definition (

Ben will move some of his use cases from Modelling to WMS ones.

Stephan offers two use cases which are discussed during the teleconf :
1 -----

A forecaster at Meteo France (or any other NWS) and a analyst at ECMWF are observing and analysing a weather feature and try to predict its future developments. They want to compare its development between different model runs and look at ensemble outputs. The aim is to see how forecasters can easily use maps of other NWP forecasts to improve their ability to access a meteorological situation.

Ideally I would add that the ECMWF and MF analysts should be easily be able to exchange the maps they are looking at!

-> this would test time dimensions -> security (hopefully) is here a limited factor since we have "trusted" channels? -> EGOWS community could pick this up since the clients are forecaster workstations -> this use case can be later extended to let forecaster workstation requesting related data through WCS and exchange meteorological objects (in GML/CSML) between workstations ...

2 -----

A government agencies are observing a disaster zone (like Haiti). They have to plan relief from air, sea and by road. They have maps of roads, storage facilities, hospitals, etc and would like to overlay these with forecasts to make decisions to co-ordinate the relief (like the average/accumulated rainfall). The aim is to see how well NWS can provide forecasts reliable&fast to be used in standard OGC clients.

-> Only our servers are really tested here -> security a big issue -> meteorological specific clients would only be consider if very thin - more likely they would be standard OGC clients (such as ESRI) -> This use case can be used to make a business case of using OGC standards ...

Adrian informs that these use cases are too general , they need a story : they have to be detailed in term time of aim of the work, means available , field considered, decision taken.

The use cases should focus by now on short term tests over the proposals under validation to build a best practices document on WMS. We have worked on the time issues, let's define small uses cases mostly dealing with time. (no problem of licensing of data or security, or whichever). These general use cases are interesting to detail because they cover the two ends of the spectrum of customers. This will help us check if we can do only one best practices defining good defaults for the "non forecaters." (the idea to make one single document was doubful to Adrian)

The first one would allow to test several WMS clients with the same WMS server (or several servers on the same scenario). ECMWF at least volunteers to provide a server.

Ben suggests that some use case should compare forecasts and observations.

Marie-Francoise can ask forecasters to detail some real use cases (write the stories) It will be interesting to add that the forecaters are in a rush to begin to work and at a certain time they can have to combine different runs of the model (for instance in Meteo France we have runs for the French models at 6 and 18 and we only have 00 and 12 from ECMWF)

Stephan specifies that the use cases can be detailed but don't have to be too specific. For the second type of use case it could be interesting to look for some idea mixing different domains : a boat on the sea which some specific problem.

Joseph will foreward the request of detailing uses cases for extreme weather to Peter Trevelyan and Chris Little. All volunteers are welcome.

Adrian suggests to book one hour in the Frescati agenda dedicated to these IE use cases : presentation and discussions.

We will have to discuss also about SLD/SE, WMS works and MOdelling. I will try to have 2 separated sessions of 2 hours

-- MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez - 02 Feb 2010
Topic revision: r2 - 22 Feb 2010, AdrianCuster
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