Present included:
John Schattel , Norman , Michal Weis, Marie-Françoise Voidrot, Frédéric Guillaud,
In the OGC Met Ocean DWG Teleconference on 14 December 2009, the main ideas were that:
Balance Layer / Dimensions
Cut a 5D cube (4D cube * phenomenon) into slices (2D- map) can lead to huge amount of layers. Three options to be explored:
1. Minimize the amount of layers :
- Deal with numerous and interdependent dimensions (Extend WMS with a new operation GetDimensions -- described in TWIKI -- Trond's
2. Ask to Jon Blower to detail this proposal
- A time dimension is associated to the parent layer, with all the "best" validity dates
- Full description of each run in sub layers.
Problem: This solution may leads to huge documents. Difficult to be managed at server and client side (inheritance rules among nested dimensions)
3. Deal with a large amount of layers (Ask to Jeff or Ted to detail this proposal ):
- Extended GetCapabilities : Spatio-temporal filter (as suggested during the last TC)
- Multiple services referenced in a catalog (e.g One model run = One service)
The Max offset may depend on the run.
The step (difference between two consecutive offsets) may depends on the offset.
The TIME parallelogram been updated to enhance this.
As for EO WMS Profile, Time dimension should be mandatory in Capabilities for live Met Ocean data.
MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez - 14 Dec 2009