JonPritchard - Created 07 Mar 2017

Summary of outputs and draft Marine DWG Work Plan

Draft workplan below as defined during the Vancouver face to face meeting. Note that the first item in the workplan (item 0) is a (permanent) link to specific actions identified by the IHO MSDIWG as requiring some specific attention from the Marine DWG.

0. [* Standing Items] Address action items output from MSDIWG meetings. A list of ongoing items. These are reproduced from the MSDIWG workplan. See [*] below.

1. Create White Paper on the MSDIWG top issues for consideration.
  • Address the technical aspects to these MSDIWG focus areas.
2. Explore and document the most appropriate/usable formats for bathymetry dissemination to the broader user base.
  • Bathymetry: HO’s most valuable, foundational dataset.
  • “Explore the potential for an interoperability pilots and testbeds that help define the workflows for ensuring that marine geospatial data can be used for purposes other than navigation.”
3. Begin structured OGC Project.
  • Combine the investigation of a Pan-Arctic Bathymetry Database (ARMSDIWG), as primary use case, and build upon successes of the Arctic Spatial Data Pilot (SDP).
4. Develop primary use case document with a focus on a Pan Arctic bathymetry database (joint actions for - ARMSDIWG, MSDIWG, OGC Marine DWG)
  • Identify and address best practice for core themes including:
    1. Raster Bathy (DEM), Vector Bathy (Contours, Soundings)
    2. Sonar, Lidar, Crowd, Satellite
    3. Land and Sea integration, Coastline definition, Seamless DEM
  • MSDIWG to develop governance best practice for sharing bathymetry (not Marine DWG)
5. Develop a proposal for an OGC concept document study (CDS) for MSDI and identify funding requirements and sources (RHC’s, IHO stakeholders, OPP, NGA). One outcome from the CDS would be to develop a follow on proposal for a full OGC pilot or a testbed, with cross organisation/country/community data sharing (i.e. Arctic Bathymetric Data ) as the key use case.

6. Implement an Interoperability testbed for Pan Arctic bathymetry database
  • Investigate a Combined technology demonstrator (Caris, Esri, OGC stds)
  • Implement a DGGS enabled front end to share and access the combined data
  • Share and educate with Antarctic stakeholders

*[*] MSDIWG – work items.*


Identify wider user requirements for bathymetry data


  • Develop primary use case for Arctic Bathymetry SDI
  • Update concept development study ($)
  • Propose test-bed

  • Build test-bed ($$$)




Identify relevant standards to support MSDI implementation and operation.


  • Provide annual reports to IRCC and HSSC
  • DGGS (Ref: B3)




Assess the suitability and shortcomings of standards in supporting data interoperability.


  • Identify standards relevant to bathymetry (Ref: B3)
  • Marine Cadastre
  • Oceanography



Topic revision: r2 - 07 Mar 2017, JonPritchard
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