JonPritchard - 08 Jan 2018
Marine Domain Working Group 2 - Agenda and Presentations.
Current Agenda items.
- Introductions and Agenda. [ 15 mins ]
- Progress for the year [20-30 mins].
- MDWG activities since Vancouver 2017
- TC presentations, agendas, joint meetings
- Existing pieces of work / commitments
- Actions from MSDIWG8 - recap
- Concept Development Study (CDS) on future of MSDI [Sebastian]
- S-121 progress and Pilot Study [JP]
- White Paper on IOC reachout including background
- UNGGIM-Europe review of feature names document
- What does tomorrow look like? Changing landscape of stakeholders
- UN-GGIM development and MGIWG input / representation.
- MDWG input to review of stds documents
- IOC. How to take forward the IOC reachout work.
- [Lunch]
- Presentations ad Updates
- OGC, Web Services overview and what's new. [Scott]
- DGGS - Presentation on DGGS and DGGS/OGC status. [Scott - DGGS in general]
- Link with GEBCO 2030 [AH / Other]
- Petrobrast [Confirmed]
- Undersea Cables [JP / Scott]
- Testbed 14 - Scott
- Poll - What "should" we be doing [JP]
- Summary of areas of future interest
- Items from MSDIWG9
- Deal with action items from MSDIWG9
- Updates to any of the pieces of work
- AOB.
- ICSU/CODATA - readout from OGC? IHO input, registries? [JP]
Existing Actions from previous MSDIWG meeting:
Action 1/2017: Ref: Action Plan B3- Prepare a White Paper advising of the advantages of adopting standards when developing the MSDI framework
Action 4/2017: Submit a paper to HSSC-10 outlining options for the development of DGGS
Action 9/2017: Prepare a primary use case for Arctic bathymetry SDI
Action 13/2017: Develop and deliver a structured outline Project Plan for identified topic areas with timelines and with identified funding options
Action 14/2017: As part of the MSDIWG annual report to IRCC; recommend that MS, through RHCs are encouraged to join the OGC Marine DWG.
Task B.3 Identify wider user requirements for bathymetry data (OGC - Actually MDWG)
Task D.1 Identify relevant standards to support MSDI implementation and operation.