-- JonPritchard - 07 Mar 2017

Delft TC meeting 21st March 2017.


1. Introduction and brief description of recent activities

2. Presentations and Q&A

a. Overview of the Copernicus program, Catharina Bamps, EU

b. Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS), Cecilia Donati, Institutional Relations Manager at Mercator.

c. Satellite Derived Bathymetry , Chris Howlett, TCarta Marine

d. OGC Sensor Web Enablement Standards, Simon Jirka, 52°North Initiative

3. Work Plan summary/review and adjustment (if necessary), includes IHO MSDIWG outputs

4. Presentation of the proposal for an MSDI concept study, Scott Simmons, OGC

5. Conclusion and Summary
Topic revision: r3 - 17 Mar 2017, TrevorTaylor
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