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Meeting input documents Meeting slides Wiki page attachment Scenario Overview IE Overview Links from slides WaterML2 RGS Discussion paper https://portal....
Meeting details Time: March 26, 2014, 13:00 16:00 (Wednesday) Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Arlington, VA. TC Meeting Info TC Meeting Agenda Remote Pa...
Meeting details 1 Time: March 19 21, 2012, 14:00 17:00 (Mon), 15:00 17:00 (Wed) Time at other locations: Monday, Wednesday Venue: OGC Technical Committee Mee...
Meeting details Time: March 2, 2011, 09:00 noon Time at other locations: time and Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Bonn. TC Meeting Info...
Meeting details 1 Time: September 19 20, 2011, 09:00 11:00 (Mon), 13:00 16:00 (Tues) Time at other locations: Monday, Tuesday Venue: OGC Technical Committee Me...
OGC Ocean/Meteo/Hydro Water Cycle Summit, Wednesday 21 September 2011, Boulder Colorado USA Press Release: Agenda (o...
Meeting details Time: Wednesday, June 3, 13:00 14:45 US MDT / 1900 UTC ( p1=1243 ah=2) Venue: ...
Meeting details Time: November 29, 2011, 15:00 18:00. Room: Pollux Time at other locations: Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Brussels. T...
CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System Project has developed services based infrastructure for publishing, cataloguing, discovering and accessing hydrologic observa...
There are a variety of data forms that are being output and utilized by the community. Main.DavidValentine 09 Jul 2009
Hydrology Domain Working Group Meeting details at Delft TC Venue: Room Q, Building 8 (Faculty of Architecture, Julianalaan 134), Delft University of Technology T...
Time: June 20, 8 8:40am, Dublin time Meeting Folder Linked Here. Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Dublin, June 20 24, 2016. TC Meeting Info TC Meeting ...
Meeting details Time: September 23, 2013, 15:45 18:40 (Mon). Time at other locations Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Frascati, Italy. TC Meeting Info TC...
Intro A list of endpoints offering GW information and\or observations based on existing systems in order for WMO CHy to begin GWML2 and related standards testing ...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Workshop topic: Implementing GWML2 Venue: Gotomeeting: TBA Time: TBA Meeting Agenda and Outcomes * WMO and OGC Working with ...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Workshop topic: Implementing GWML2 Venue: Online TBA Time: March 2022, 19:00 21:30 (UTC) Objectives This workshop covered: * ...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Workshop topic: Implementing GWML2 Venue: Gotomeeting: TBA Time: TBA Meeting Agenda and Outcomes 1. TBA by GW SWG
Meeting details Time: June 11, 2014, 13:00 16:00 CEST UCT 2 (Wednesday) Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. TC Meeting Info TC Meeting...
We will need to begin to have some goverance of additional common named parameter, if information exchange is to be maintained. The HDWG will need to decide when ...
GROUNDWATER Standards Working Group (GW SWG) Introduction A significant portion of the global water supply can be attributed to groundwater resources. Effective ...
GroundWater Standards Working Group (GW SWG) The GW SWG aims to: * Develop a data exchange standard for the groundwater domain. The standard is to be known as ...
Groundwater Interoperability Experiment Description This interoperability experiment will advance the development of WaterML 2.0, test its use with various OGC s...
Groundwater Interoperability Experiment 2 (GW2IE) Description The purpose of this interoperability experiment (IE) is to develop an international information mod...
Hydrology Domain Working Group of the Open Geospatial Consortium and the World Meteorological Organization August 16, 2014; 9am – 5pm, Shepard Bldg, Room 205 Stan...
Harmonising Standards for Water Observation Data Discussion Paper This report takes a look at exisiting standards for water data exchange and attempts to identi...
OGC/WMO Hydrology Domain Working Group First 5 years: Meetings 2008 2013 * OGC TC Meeting Atlanta 17 September 2008 * OGC TC Meeting Valencia 4 ...
Venue: Virtual Day 1: Tue May 30th 9:00 AM 12:00 PM EDT. Day 2: Wed May 31st 9:00 AM 10:00 AM EDT. https://www4.go...
Documents from DWG Members Main.IlyaZaslavsky 11 Nov 2009
Agenda: GWML2 Workshop: Boyan Brodaric Water Quality IE: Sylvain Grellet Water Quality Workshop: Igor Chernov Hydro applications of Sensor Things API: Varied *...
Recording: Agenda: GWML2 Workshop Water Quality Workshop: you can read and contribute to the activity Plan intr...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Singapore OGC Member Meeting, 3 7 October, 2022 Venue: virtual no on site meeting Time: 2022 10 05 : 08:00 10:00 AM EDT US/...
This webinar will summarize the mainstems and drainage basins data model and both US and Global datasets that implement the data model. Manuscript: https://doi.or...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Meeting details: Venue: Gotomeeting: Time: Wednesday 20 January 2021, 2 PM 3:30 PM ...
Work Plan for Hydrology DWG The plan and timeline are very tentative (to frame the discussion at the meeting), version 12/2/2009 The focus of the group is analyzi...
Announcement Dates: 11 14 April, 2011 Venue: UNESCO IHE, Delft, The Netherlands Purpose: This meeting will be the second workshop of the Hydrology Domain Workin...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Meeting details at Leuven TC, 24 27 December, 2019 Venue: KU Leuven, Hexagon, Informatie Vlaanderen, and Merkator, Leuven Belgiu...
Hydro DWG Workshop New York City 2014 * Dates: 11 15 August 2014 * Venue: CCNY * Purpose: This meeting will be the fifth workshop of the WMO/OGC Hydrol...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Meeting details Venue: Nottingham TC hosted by British Geological Survey Time: Thursday 17 September, 10:15 12 (UTC/GMT 1) Thu, S...
WMO/OGC Hydrology Domain Working Group RDA Global Water Information Interest Group meeting Joint working session of the WMO/OGC Hydrology Domain Working Group a...
Hydro DWG Workshop Orleans 2015 ** * Dates: 20 24 September 2015 * Venue: BRGM * Local organizer: Sylvain Grellet, S.Grellet AT * Purp...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Meeting details at Palmerston North TC Venue: Palmerston North Convention Centre, 354 Main St, Palmerston North, New Zealand. NZ T...
Hydro DWG Workshop Quebec City 2013 * Dates: 17 21 June 2013 * Venue: Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) Quebec Office and Institut National de la Recherch...
Overview The Research Data Alliance (RDA) Global Water Information Interest Group (GWIIG) will serve as a platform leading to formation of RDA working group; as a...
ANNOUNCEMENT * Dates: 25 28 June, 2012 * Venue: University of Reading, Reading, UK * Purpose: This meeting will be the third workshop of the OGC\WMO Hydr...
Meeting details Time: January 16, 2013, 13:00 17:00 (Wed). Time at other locations Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Redlands, CA. TC Meeting Info TC Meet...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Meeting details at St John's TC Venue: Fort William, Salon B, Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland, St. Johns, Canada Time: Wednesday 28 Ju...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Meeting details at Stuttgart TC, 10 14 September 2018 Venue: HFT Stuttgart (Stuttgart Technology University of Applied Sciences), ...
Surface Water Interoperability Experiment Next Telecon TBA Next meeting Thurs 8th September 2pm UTC. Agenda 1 Update from all participants Technical 1 Pr...
Intro A list of endpoints offering surface water information and/or observations based on existing systems in countries from around of the world. These open OGC s...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Meeting details at Sydney TC Venue: NICTA, Australian Technology Park, Level 5, 13 Garden Street, Eveleigh NSW 2015, Australia Tim...
Meeting details Time: June 15, 2011, 13:00 15:00 Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Taichung. TC Meeting Info TC Meeting Agenda Agenda 1 Chen Yu Hao ...
Toulouse Workshop Minutes and Notes Agenda 1. 9am Welcome 1. Confirm/adjust agenda 1. Review and discussions of best practice use of SOS and O M for the...
Time: March 9, 1:00 2:45pm Eastern Standard Time, Room C2 131 Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Washington DC, at the World Bank, March 7 11, 2016. TC Mee...
WaterML 2.0 Part 1 Time Series has been adopted as an international standard in the Open Geospatial Consortium as of June 2012, see http://www.opengeospatial.or...
WaterML 2.0 part 2 Ratings, Gaugings and Sections (RGS) As of August 2015, the OGC TC PC votes for adoption have been completed, and WaterML 2.0 Part 2 RGS ...
WaterML 2.0 Tools and Testing Support Kisters WaterML 2.0 Validation Tools OGC official repository for WaterML 2.0.1 executable test suite * GM...
Water Quality Interoperability Experiment Description preparation Reliable, comprehensive and up to date monitoring data on water quality is a prerequisite to p...
29, 30 31 March 2022, Online Objectives The Opening Workshop was the first of a series of workshops on Water Quality Monitoring taking place during 2022 2023. I...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
* .BoyanBrodaric: * * .DalePercival: * * .DavidLemon: * * .DavidValentine: * * .EricBoisvert: * * .KevinStegemoller: * * .NateBooth: * * .Nat...
HydrologyDWG Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the HydrologyDWG web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . a...
Statistics for HydrologyDWG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uplo...
* OGC TC, Atlanta GA, 2008 09 * OGC TC, Valencia Spain, 2008 12 * OGC TC, Athens Greece, 2009 03 * OGC TC, Boston MA, 2009 06 * OGC TC, Darmstadt Germ...
Ninth HydroDWG Workshop, World Meteorological Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland * When: 17 20 September 2018 * Where: Salle C 2, World Meteorological Orga...
Hydro DWG Workshop Koblenz 2016 * When: 13 17 June 2016 * Where: Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), Am Mainzer Tor 1, Koblenz, Germany, Conference Room...
2017 Hydro DWG Workshop, National Water Center, Tuscaloosa, USA * When: 19 23 June 2017 * Where: National Water Center, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA * Purp...
Number of topics: 68
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