Call 2010-02-25
Connection Details
- dates: Thurs Feb 25 (N.America), Fri Feb 26 (AU)
- times: 5pm (Ottawa), 4pm CT (WI), 8am (AU)
- phone number: 218-862-1000 (USA)
- conference call code: 437712#
- Status update: 34North client deployment
- Status update: WaterML2 schema progress
- Status update: web services progress (all)
- OGC TC (Frascati, IT) / HDWG (Ispra, IT)
Notes & Action Items (AI)
Roll call:
NRCan: Boyan, Eric B
USGS: Nate, Tom, I-Lin
34N: Ayme, Dave, Nathan
CUAHSI: Dave Valentine
- Pete
- IL: Yong, Alejandro; ISWS: Al , Greg
- Dave Briar
Updates - web services and clients
32N (Ayme and Nathan)
* 1 week away from implementing things from last call.
* AI: Tom K and Nathan will exchange scenario that results in empty XML document
* AI: 32N will send client URL
NRCan (Eric B)
* Ottawa database will be offline next week on and off
USGS (Nate)
* WFS initially implemented and demoed
* AI: Nate to send getCapabilities URL out
IL (Yong)
* several 1000 GW water level time series from IL Water Survey will be made available
* well characteristics exists but will not be available yet
* OGC SOS compliant tool for serving these data in a generic SOS document form
* Team will point IL to
WaterML2 and GWML
* Catalog services update? none
SOS2 (Eric B and Pete T)
* SOS1- no way to advertise a large set of sensors
* SOS2- getCapabilities offerings: 1 offering=1 sensor
or 1 sensor system
* SOS2 specifies a standard search parameter for geographic parameter that for a sensor system will be entire extent
* for us, we will likely advertise a sensor system and individual sensors can be searched for and returned via getObservations header.
* AI: monitor progress within SOS SWE and discuss among
HydroWG a way to bring water concerns into that discussion
* Ispra will define a workplan to roll in harmonization comments and other concepts into
Italy meetings
* Updates from GW IE
* Updates on
* 34N client can be shown and offers to provide other materials as need be
* IL services may not be ready by Italy timeframe but will update group if demoable
Next call
* 3/24@5p ET
Teleconference: The phone number is
(218) 862-1000
Guest: 437712#