GW SWG Meeting #7

Leuven OGC TC Meeting

Tues 25 June 2019, 10:15-11:00 (Leuven time)


  • GW SWG: B.Brodaric, D.Blodgett, E.Boisvert, P.Dahlhaus, S.Grellet, A. Macleod, B.Simons
  • Other: C.Cipolloni, K.Jozwik, J.Lieberman, J.Passmore, S.Pecora, A.Ritchie, J.Vuollo


  • GWML2 revision (v2.3) (Boyan)
  • WMO update (Silvano Pecora)
  • Next Steps (All)


  1. GWML2 revision v2.3 approved by GW-SWG
    • unanimous consensus without objection
  2. WMO submission led by Silvano is on-track
    • final decision expected Dec 2019
  3. Future work to focus on JSON and RDF encodings of logical model
    • vocabularies and web service endpoints need to be compiled
    • further discussion required around potential tools activity

Action Items

  1. Slide to be prepared for Leuven TC closing plenary (Boyan)
    • for vote to approve follow-up TC and PC votes
  2. GW SWG members to update wiki with endpoints: (All)
  3. Follow-up GW SWG telecon meeting to be held (Boyan)
    • re: JSON and RDF encoding activity

-- BoyanBrodaric - 25 Jun 2019
Topic revision: r3 - 26 Jun 2019, BoyanBrodaric
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