MarkReichardt - 08 Mar 2018
3D Geospatial M&S Summit 3
25 April 2018
Tampa Convention Center, Tampa Florida
Event Summary:
The USGIF M&S Working Group will host the third in a series of 3D Geospatial M&S related summit meetings co-sponsored by the USGIF, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), and the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO). The purpose of this summit series is to establish a continuous learning culture across the geospatial and M&S domains that leads to greater interoperability and progress towards our vision of a global model of the earth. The focus of this summit is several fold:1) to review recent progress made on advancement of interoperability, 2) to discuss the key challenges that lay ahead, and 3) to provide details on a roadmap of current and planned initiatives designed to stimulate robust experimentation across the community regarding new levels of interoperability.
Draft Agenda (as of 8 March 2018)
Introductions / Welcome
Welcome message: The M&S Interoperability Imperative Keith Masback, CEO USGIF
Flash Talk on Progress to Date
Rapid population of urban models
Taking M&S to the field
Web-based (3D Portrayal)
Disconnected Ops
Aligning CDB with current standards
OGC WFS3 Hackathon
Geo Hack-n-Hunt Challenge
Priorities For 2018
Semantic Interoperability
Increased prototyping / experimentation (try a little, learn a lot)
CDB 2.0 - aligning with current standard and requirements
Common network of tools / resources
New OGC Domain Working Group on M&S and Gaming
Getting Involved 2018 Initiatives Roadmap
Hackathons and Challenges
CDB 2.0 Revision
W3C Augmented Reality Pilot
OGC Testbed 15
Geo Hack-n-Hunt Challenge results (SOFWERX)
I3S 3D Streaming Standard (Esri)
Others to be announced
https://portal.opengeospatial.org/public_ogc/register/Geo3DMSSummit3.php to register and to receive additional details . Registration is required
Please address questions about this Summit and the 3D Geospatial M&S project to
info@3dgeomsNOspamPlease.org. Please also visit www.3dgeoms.org for more on our work!