Publications on OGC Coverages and WCS
On this page, references to articles are collected which explain and illustrate coverage data and services. This is meant as a resource for those who want to immerse into the field, or want to learn details about particular aspects. If you have written about coverages then feel invited to add your paper here! --
PeterBaumann - 04 Apr 2015
About Scientific Citation Style
When writing an article yourself we kindly ask you to properly cite existing work. Note that OGC (unlike) ISO presents their editors by name, so when referencing a standard don't forget to mention the document editors. Also, for scientific appreciation it is common to add referenceable citations, i.e., citations to papers monitored by common indexing sites. OGC standards themselves are not monitored there! Hence, for example when writing about WCPS it would reference both the WCPS standard and the Geoinformatica article introducing and explaining it.
- P. Baumann: Enhanced Calendar Support for Temporal Datacube Queries . Transactions in GIS, Wiley, July 2024, DOI: 10.1111/TGIS.13215
- Introducing the concept of region-of-validity for refining pixel-is-X and interpolation semantics
- P. Baumann, V. Merticariu, D. Misev, B. Pham Huu, G. Langella: Datacubes as Enablers for Advanced Decision Support Systems in Land Management. Land Degradation and Development, Special Issue: Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Use of Land, May 2024, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.5153
- Case study: Coverage datacubes and services in land management
- P. Baumann: On the Analysis-Readiness of Spatio-Temporal Earth Data and Suggestions for its Enhancement. Environmental Modelling and Software, Volume 176, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106017
- A critical review of coverage standards from an ARD perspective and ideas for an evolution towards more semantics.
- P. Baumann, J. Boensmann, B. Pham Huu: Building the Next-Generation Radio Networks Planning Infrastructure Using Datacubes. Proc. IEEE BigData, Osaka, Japan, December 2022
- Case Study: Coverage standards in radio networks planning.
- D. Misev, P. Baumann: Space Cubes: Satellite On-Board Processing of Datacube Queries . VLDB Intl. Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things, 2022, virtual
- Case Study: coverage services in orbit on a cubesat
- P. Baumann, D. Misev, B. Pham Huu: Of Polygons, Curtains, and Corridors in Multidimensional Grid Spaces. 21st Intl. Conf. on Information & Knowledge Engineering (IKE), July 2022, USA, Transactions on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence, Springer Nature Research Book Series
- Ideas for WCS enhancement with polygonal subsetting, aka "corridor queries"
- P. Baumann: A General Conceptual Framework for Multi-Dimensional Spatio-Temporal Data Sets. Environmental Modelling and Software (2021),
- Presentation of ISO 19123-1, meanwhile also adopted as OGC AT 6.1
- P. Baumann, J. Escriu: INSPIRE Coverages: An Analysis and Some Suggestions. , Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards, (2019) 4:1, DOI:
- Coverage standards as adopted by EU INSPIRE legal framework for a harmonized spatial data infrastructure
- J. Maso, A. Zabala Torres, P. Baumann: New Model for Geospatial Coverages in JSON: Coverage Implementation Schema and Its Implementation With JavaScript . In: Z. Ma, L. Yan (eds.): Emerging Technologies and Applications in Data Processing and Management, IGI GLobal, 2019, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8446-9.ch015
- The JSON encoding of standard coverages, and what can be done with it
- P. Baumann, D. Misev, V. Merticariu, B. Pham Huu: Datacubes: Towards Space/Time Analysis-Ready Data.. In: J. Doellner, M. Jobst, P. Schmitz (eds.): Service Oriented Mapping - Changing Paradigm in Map Production and Geoinformation Management, Springer Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 2018
- a primer on coverages, WCS, and WCPS
- P. Baumann: Geo Raster Data Management. In: T. Özsu, L. Liu (eds.): Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer, 2015
- an overview on geo raster data management from a database perspective.
- P. Yue, P. Baumann, K. Bugbee, L. Jiang: Towards Intelligent GIServices. Earth Science Informatics Journal, Special issue on Intelligent GIServices, Springer
- This paper provides an overview of intelligent GIServices. The concept of intelligent GIServices is described, followed by a review of the state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies relevant to intelligent GIServices. Visions on how GIServices can perceive, reason, learn, and act intelligently are highlighted. The results can provide better services for big data processing, semantic interoperability, knowledge discovery, and cross-discipline collaboration in Earth science applications.
- P. Baumann, A.P. Rossi, B. Bell, O. Clements, B. Evans, H. Hoenig, P. Hogan, G. Kakaletris, P. Koltsida, S. Mantovani, R. Marco Figuera, V. Merticariu, D. Misev, B. Pham Huu, S. Siemen, J. Wagemann: Fostering Cross-Disciplinary Earth Science Through Datacube Analytics . In. P.P. Mathieu, C. Aubrecht (eds.): Earth Observation Open Science and Innovation - Changing the World One Pixel at a Time, International Space Science Institute (ISSI), 2017, pp. 91 - 119
- EarthServer -2: 2.5 PB location-transparent datacube federations; large-scale services on satellite image timeseries and climate datacubes, plus Planetary Science data
- P. Baumann, P. Mazzetti, J. Ungar, R. Barbera, D. Barboni, A. Beccati, L. Bigagli, E. Boldrini, R. Bruno, A. Calanducci, P. Campalani, O. Clement, A. Dumitru, M. Grant, P. Herzig, G. Kakaletris, J. Laxton, P. Koltsida, K. Lipskoch, A.R. Mahdiraji, S. Mantovani, V. Merticariu, A. Messina, D. Misev, S. Natali, S. Nativi, J. Oosthoek, J. Passmore, M. Pappalardo, A.P. Rossi, F. Rundo, M. Sen, V. Sorbera, D. Sullivan, M. Torrisi, L. Trovato, M.G. Veratelli, S. Wagner: Big Data Analytics for Earth Sciences: the EarthServer Approach. International Journal of Digital Earth, 0(0)2015, pp 1 - 27. This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in International Journal on Digital Earth on 27/02/2015, available online:
- The EarthServer Big Earth Data Analytics engine offers a solution for coverage-type datasets, built around a high performance array database technology, and the adoption and enhancement of standards for service interaction (OGC WCS and WCPS). The EarthServer solution, led by the collection of requirements from scientific communities and international initiatives, provides a holistic approach that ranges from query languages and scalability up to mobile access and visualization. The result is demonstrated and validated through the development of lighthouse applications in the Marine, Geology, Atmospheric, Planetary and Cryospheric science domains.
- A. Dumitru, V. Merticariu, P. Baumann: Exploring Cloud Opportunities from an Array Database Perspective. Proc ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Data analytics in the Cloud (DanaC '2014), June 22 - 27, 2014, Snowbird, USA, pp. 1 - 4
- We present an enhancement of the well-established Array DBMS rasdaman with intra-query distribution capabilities: requests, in-coming in the form of database queries, are broken into sub-queries which are then distributed in a network of known peers. The splitting strategies ensure that the networks processing power is fully exploited, while at the same time enabling optimizations such as network traffic minimization.
- P. Campalani, A. Beccati, S. Mantovani, P. Baumann: Temporal Analysis of Atmospheric Data Using Open Standards. Proc. ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium, 14-16 May 2014, Suzhou, China, ISPRS Annals II(4)2014, pp. 21 - 27
- The OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) is a modular service suite which provides high-level interface definitions for data access, subsetting, filtering, and processing of spatio-temporal raster data. WCS based service interfaces to data archives deliver data in their original semantics useful for further client-side processing, as opposed to the Web Map Service (WMS) (de la Beaujardière, 2006) which performs a pre-rendering into images only useful for display to humans. In this paper we present a case study where the OGC coverage data and service model defines the client/server interface for a climate data service. In particular, we show how flexible temporal analysis can be performed efficiently on massive spatio-temporal coverage objects. This service, which is operational on a several Terabyte data holding, has been established as part of the EarthServer initiative focusing on Big Data in the Earth and Planetary sciences.
- P. Campalani, S. Mantovani, P. Baumann: Spatiotemporal Interactions for Daily Mapping of PM10 with MODIS and Meteorological Data. Proc. 15th Annual Conf. of the Intl. Assoc. for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG)
- J.H.P. Oosthoek, J. Flahaut, A.P. Rossi, P. Baumann, D. Misev, P. Campalani, V. Unnithan: PlanetServer: Innovative Approaches for the Online Analysis of Hyperspectral Satellite Data from Mars. Advances in Space Research, 53(12)2014, pp. 1858 - 1871,
- P. Baumann, A. Dumitru, V. Merticariu, D. Misev, M. Rusu: Breaking the Big Data Barrier by Enhancing On-Board Sensor Flexibility. ACM SIGSPATIAL Intl. Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data (BigSpatial -2013), Orlando, USA, November 05, 2013
- P. Campalani, D. Misev, A. Beccati, P. Baumann: Making Time Just Another Axis in Geospatial Services.. Proc. 20th Intl. Symp. on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'13), Pensacola, USA, September 26-28, 2013, pp. 133 - 140
- P. Campalani, A. Beccati, P. Baumann: Improving Efficiency of Grid Representation in GML. Proc. 27th Intl. Conf. on Informatics for Environmental Protection (EnviroInfo), Hamburg, Germany, September 2-4, 2013, pp. 703-708
- P. Baumann, D. Misev: Towards Scalable Ad-Hoc Climate Anomalies Search. Proc. ACM SIGSPATIAL BIGSPATIAL, Redondo Beach, USA, November 6, 2012, ACM 2012
- J. Yu, P. Baumann: A Specification-Based Quality Model to Improve Confidence in Web Services of Multidisciplinary Earth System Science. In: Earth System Science: Bridging the Gaps Between Disciplines. Springer 2012, pp. 124 - 127
- D. Misev, P. Baumann, J. Seib: Towards Large-Scale Meteorological Data Services: A Case Study. Datenbank-Spektrum 12(3)2012, pp. 183-192
- D. Misev, J. Yu, P. Baumann, P. Campalani: Finding My CRS: A Systematic Way of Identifying CRSs. ACM SIGSPATIAL 2012, Redondo Beach, USA, November 6 - 9, pp. 71-78 [ PDF ]
- D. Misev, M. Rusu, P. Baumann: A Semantic Resolver for Coordinate Reference Systems. Proc. 11th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS), Naples, Italy, April 12-13, 2012, Springer LNCS 7236, pp. 47 - 56
- P. Baumann: How to INSPIRE Citizens: Towards Open Access to High-Volume Public Sector Geodata. Proc. Intl. Conf. on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS'2011), Toulouse, France, August 29 - September 2, 2011, pp. 264-276
- M. Owonibi, P. Baumann: D-WCPS: A Framework for Service Based Distributed Processing of Coverages. Proc. Intl. Conf. on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services (GEOProcessing 2012), Valencia, Spain, January 30, 2012, pp. 215 - 221
- P. Baumann: Accelerating Computationally Intensive Queries on Massive Earth Science Data (system demonstration). Proc. EDBT/ICDT Array Databases Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, March 25, 2011, pp. 31 - 35
- J. Yu, P. Baumann, X. Wang: RPRA: A Novel Approach to Mastering Geospatial Web Service Testing Complexity. Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Spatial Data Mining and Geographical Knowledge Services (ICSDM'2011), Fuzhou, China, June 29 - July 1, 2011, pp. 252 - 256
- X. Wang, J. Yu, P. Baumann: A Web Coverage Ontology for Geospatial Web Applications. Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Semantic Computing (ICSC'2011), Palo Alto, USA, September 18-21, 2011, pp. 216-223
- A. Santanche, P. Baumann, D. Costa, N. Oliveira: A Component and Query Approach for Scientific Data Exploration Applications, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA'2011), Irvine, USA, December 12 - 14, 2011, pp. 1 - 8
- P. Baumann, R. Brackin, M. Owonibi, T. Cutsworth: Towards Standards-Based, Interoperable Geo Image Processing Services. Proc. Geoinformatik 2011, June 15 - 17, 2011, Münster, Germany, pp. 157 - 164
- P. Baumann: The OGC Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS) Standard. Geoinformatica, 14(4)2010, pp. 447 - 479
- P. Baumann: Beyond Rasters: Introducing The New OGC Web Coverage Service 2.0. Proc. ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS, San Jose, USA, November 2-5, 2010, pp. 320 - 329
- P. Baumann, S. Feyzabadi, C. Jucovschi: Putting Pixels in Place: A Storage Layout Language for Scientific Data. Proc. IEEE ICDM Workshop on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining (SSTDM'10), December 14, 2010, Sydney, Australia, pp. 194 - 201
- P. Baumann: Language-Based Enforcement of Access Constraints on Geoscientific Image Data. Proc. IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy in Data Mining (PADM), December 14, 2010, Sydney, Australia, pp. 450 - 457
- A. Aiordachioaie, P. Baumann: PetaScope: An Open-Source Implementation of the OGC WCS Geo Service Standards Suite. Proc. Intl. Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM'2010), Heidelberg, Germany, June 30 - July 2, 2010, pp. 160-168