Dealing with climate change effects
According to Pascal Peduzzi [1], the Head of the Early Warning Unit at UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Europe, natural hazards have dramatically increased in the past. A clear trend could be observed since 1960 which seems to be related to increasing CO2 emissions and there can be regarded as climate change effects.
On the basis of this analysis, the following scenario is very likely:
After sevedral days and nights of continuous and heavy rain with up to 20 Liters/m2 in one hour in eastern australia, entire towns in northern New South Wales have been cut off, while rising flood waters have forced hundreds of residents to leave their homes.
Sensors delivering weather and river gauge data are used to monitor, analyze and mangage this situation.
Sensor Observation Services for weather data (from Parent ScenarioAusBOM?)
Sensor Observation Services for water gauge data
Sensor Observation Services client
Weather data
Water gauge data
[1] Pascal Peduzzi (2005). “Is climate change increasing the frequency of hazardous events?” Environment & Poverty Times N°3, p.7 Special Edition for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction January 18-22, 2005, Kobe, Japan
BastianSchaeffer - 13 Jul 2009