Virtual Meeting 01. CoP Plenary workshop Forum 5

When: MON and TUE


It seems that the COVID-19 does not want us to meet f2f for a while so this time it has been organized as a long telecon. This is the format:

  • TODAY (Monday): We realized that there are many newcomers registered to this meeting so today we will have a plenary session dedicate to engage with this new people. I'm not sure how many will be interested in our Interoperability experiments. We will see. Do not expect a "normal" interop-CoP meeting as it will be on plenary with the other CoPs. You are welcome to join in to know what the other CoP's are doing and meet the new faces. We will start at 13:00 and end at 16:00 (


Meeting minutes

Attendants: Joan Masó, Andy Cobley, Ester Prat, Andreas Matheus, Lucy Bastin

Diversity of APIs:
Santiago in COS$Cloud is working with several APIs form the different observatories and not with the SensorThings API approach from the Interop-CoP.
Joan: I have found (form George Percival) this resource that I have been told is related with the US department of state. The expose Citizen Science APIs about 4 topics. This is the one about mosquitoes: What about showing them to do the same with STA?. Anne knows aobut this one.

Engineering Report:
We can include the Earth Cahllenge experiences
We could agree on reporting about a possible extension for STA

CoPs members continuity:
Andy hasn't any CS project in the near future, but he will keep joining the CoP in the background. It is also uncertain what will happen with UK in the Brexit scenario.

Chapter 8: STA Clients - Andy to describe his client
He shows Python script of COS4Cloud demo. It’s taking the JSON and spreading it out. It creates a CSV file. You read the JSON and manually extract the info you need.

Joan: In a COS4Cloud meeting datastream groups several observation groups?

How to create the list of positions for creating a map? Now you get repeated positions.

One solution would be to build a CSV of observation groups where each observation group is a row and properties are columns.

Observation Groups in COS4Cloud:$expand=Observations&$filter=Observations/Datastream/ObservedProperty/name%20eq%20%27Taxon%27 (not working now)

Second Interoperability Engineering Report:

Section about API proliferation: we discovered in COS4Cloud that some developers don’t care about different existing APIs. With George Percival we have created a repository of APIs.
Andreas: what we see in COS4Cloud is that every CS initiative is working in silos and love working in silos. No one cares about interoperability. Huge problem in educating datasets owners in sharing databases.

Lucy: maybe GBIF can be a common model for iSpot and Natusfera. But even the taxonomy is not common in those projects, they are not using the GBIF one.

Andreas: Fraunhofer has a FROST server implementing SensorThings API. I implemented an extension and loaded Natusfera data using a 52N data loader. We are trying to prove this by the end of the year.

Challenge: describe the quality of the observation and the semantics in a standardized way (every platform is using a different taxonomy).

Sprint 3 - Interop CoP

Attendants: Andy Cobley, Lucy Bastin, Joan Masó, Ester Prat, Andreas Matheus

COS4Cloud observatories are using different taxonomies. And GBIF is using another API. So in biodiversity field everything is centralised in GBIF and they have an API. But such API is read only, so there is still room for a common API.

But specially in COS4Cloud where work on interoperability is going for one year, it seems easier to adapt to each API rather than building a common one.

Lucy: which is the goal of the use cases? Is it about putting all data together?
It’s also about federating the expert role. Experts can consult, validate and use data in other works.

So the situation in COS4Cloud is a little bit frustrating. We discovered that iSpot has not an API, so it is a good opportunity to have one. 

All this has to be embed in the EOSC portal, which has still an unclear use and future.

We plan to present the 2nd ER in the OGC TC Meeting in December, but this is just a desire. The CoP could continue with the support of COS4Cloud. But we should think on the contents for the next IE, as things are already done or won’t be done anymore.

Andy: is STA a too heavy issue for CS projects? Maybe it’s too complex for a modest CS project looking for data in a local framework.

Lucy: it would be possible to apply STA with a minimal subset or a simplified version?

Andreas: it’s all about reading the documentation:

Joan: really it is not trivial to know how to query for information. Standards don’t explain well how they should be applied. Andreas: so this will be part of our best practices recommendations: not to read the standards but the best practices.

Joan: second problem is to make a map from the observations. Feature of Interest is what has the geometry in STA. So you ask for all FoI within a given area. But, what happens where repetitions exist? For example, if I ask for all features of interest, will I get repeated results for the different datastreams in one feature of interest? Andreas: Query should be like that:$filter=st_within(FeatureOfInterest/feature,geography%27POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0))%27)

Joan: maybe we can create a section in our ER for recording all these useful queries.

Joan: Maybe the minimum profile for the STA that Lucy was asking could be the sensor and the thing(?). There are many cases where you could forget about the thing.Sometimes the location of the Thing or the Feature of Interest are different.

For the ER: Andy and Andreas to complete their sections about STA implementations. GBIF and iNaturalist APIs Joan will try to investigate. Wilson Center people to complete the Earth Challenge. Lucy is free but ideas are welcome. 

Previous Action points

  • None

Agenda and minutes

Next Action points

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Topic revision: r4 - 13 Oct 2020, JoanMaso
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