Telco 18. Seventh of the second phase of the IE
When: WED November 11th 2020 - 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
- Ali Yousefi, Andreas Matheus, Andy Cobley, Cait Bailey, Chiara Gerosa, Clay Herbaugh, Landon van Dyke, Lucy Bastin, Metis Meloche, Turam Purty, Lukas Mocek, Anne Bowser, Gabriel Barros, Joan Masó, Ester Prat.
Meeting recording
Previous Action points
Agenda and minutes
- Motivation
- new Document called "Scaling up Citizen Science What are the factors associated with increased reach and how to lever them to achieve impact" in the group "Examining the use and practices of Citizen Science for EU policies". Giovanni Maccani, Margriet Goossensen, Valeria Righi, Javier Creus, Mara Balestrini
- (Requires an ECAS id)
- Last paragraph in "9.1.2 Elements supporting the spreading and up-scaling processes"
- "These challenges can be tackled by setting close cooperation between public and private partners, at both the local and international level, to enable the sharing of knowledge and expertise, with the ultimate goal of delivering cyberinfrastructure support by offering, for instance, analysis and visualization tools to be shared among interventions. However, there is a need for a common agreement for a blueprint to establish process architecture * and collaboration systems *for citizen science technological development. To-date, such initiatives exist, but are often piecemeal, rather than integrated and built on synergies among the actors across these networks. In this way, it is worth mentioning, beyond the Citizen Science discipline, the effort of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). This is an online environment with open and seamless services to store, manage, analyse and re-use research data, across borders and scientific domains. The EOSC approaches open data with FAIR principles, meaning that data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable. The EOSC also promotes open data sharing, advocating that it should become the default option for all EU-funded scientific research.
- From the WeObserve Open Data Challenge
- In relation with the EC2020 I keep finding things here an there:
- Coordination with the CSA Data and Metadata working group
- Writen outcomes from the CoPs and this CoP
- The coordinatro of the CoPs (Uta Wehn) has issue a call for participation in a scientific paper that will sumarize the lessons learnt in seting up the WeObserve CoPs. It is not about the outputs of the CoPs; but about the process and benefits of having CoPs: Two ways of contribution: Responding the survey or actively participate as co-author of the paper
- The second ER should be produced soon to conclude our second block of activities
- TOC in
- 6. API proliferation
- 6.1. iNaturalits APIs
- 6.2. API Sensor Community
- 6.3. API US Cit Sci repo
- 6.4. GBIF API
- 6.5. Why we need a common API
- SOS and O&M experience
- 6.6. Earth Challance experince and recomendations
- 6.7. Status with STA and useful queries
- 6.8. Possible extension for STA
- 8. STA servers
- 9. STA Clients
- 10. Vocabularies
- It could be nice to have it ready for December OGC members meeting
- Offering to present in the next OGC Members meeting
- The future of this CoP: After the WeObserve finalization on March 2021 COS4Cloud will sponsor the continuation of the CoP.
- Regular topics on thers meetings
- Progress on implementations of STA services and clients (Cos4Cloud, Earth Challange,...)
- Review and progress on STA model to extend it to support "the citizen" (party), project, license and observationGroup in the dataStream
- Progress on the Definition Server
- COVID-19
- COVID19 + AirQuality correlation
- A presentation on an app to know where you can buy a mask for covid-19 protection.
Next Action points
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