Telco #10
When: June 11th 2019 3:00 PM CET
Andy Cobley, Fran (
IberCivis), Simon Jirka, Sven Schade, Peter Brenton, Anne Bowser, Lucy Bastin, Ester Prat, Joan Masó.
Previous Action Points
Agenda and minutes
- Fran (IberCivis) comments his participation in the EUCitSci project
- All to complete the list of contributions for the Open Data Challenge
- WeObserve Deliverable D4.2 Terms of reference of the standards relevant for citizen science has been produced and will be circulated.
- Report on progress of the activities
- V: Vocabularies for organizing Citizen Science projects Rob Atkinson -
- See Ingo's email below.
- Perfect fit with Anne request for the EC2020
- Vocabularies can work on feeding SDGs: Sven could work with Ingo on this.
- Possible topic for next IE.
- D: Data sharing using OGC standards such as O&M and SOS Simon Jirka
- Mainly reporting on the ER
- Is DLR able to report on the service comparison?
- New version from Hydrologic (Andy) SOS
- Joan Masó to test?
- S: Connection between Landsense federation and JRC user system Andreas Matheus (Sven Schade, Christoph Perger)
- Q: Data quality Joan Masó
- Paused
- Peter Brenton comments that the Citizen Science Association has set up a GitHub repository in JSON schema that will be ended by September
- This could led to a new topic for next IE: PPSR metadata for projects (in JSON schema)
- Sven Schade will present this in next OGC TC in Leuven.
- Progress and next steps for the Engineering Report writing
- Andy Cobley and Simon Jirka to check ER descriptions
- Sven asks how is going the connection to GEOSS? Joan mentions it is not done in Ground Truth 2.0 or GROW. Scent is doing something. Sven suggests mentioning this in the ER or even using it for next IE.
- Andy asks for details about the session Steffen is organising in Lisbon (EuroGEOSS). Joan knows it's a workshop to discuss how to integrate CitSci data into GEOSS. There will be some initial presentations followed by practical demonstrations.
- Call for presentations and participation to the CitSci.DWG in the OGC
- June 25th, 10:15 AM - 12:00 PM Leuven and by telecon
- Agenda:
- "The LandSense Authorization Server - High Availability in the Cloud. Andreas Matheus. Secure Dimensions
- "Discussions on the connection to GEOSS" Sven Shade, JRC
- "First Citizen Science Interoperability Experiment and preparations for next one." Joan Maso. UAB-CREAF
- "Protocols and catalog for the Earth Challenge 2020", Anne Bowser, Wilson Center
- Next regular telecon: July 17th 15:00 PM CEST.
Vocabulary activity reactivate (or the Ingo's email).
Fri, 31 May 2019 at 21:16
Since last fall, we worked hard on improving the OGC Definition server
so that we can register and serve vocabularies easily. We have now
deployed the second generation of this service and we would like to load
it with vocabularies/terms that you use in your citizen science projects.
Now we need your help, as we need content/examples/vocabularies that you
are using. You can provide to Rob, Bart, and myself whatever you have.
If you have your resources organized according to SKOS, or you have a
CSV file that includes some data, or you simply point us to a web server
that serves your data does not matter. All we need is the term, its
definition, and who has defined it. The "terms" can be project names,
observed properties, observed areas/location names, sensor descriptions,
sampling protocols and guidelines,... virtually anything. We just need a
sentence providing a definition (can be many sentences as well). If you
are aware of an externally provided definition, even better, then we
will reference to that one.
The goal is that we make terms (identifiers) de-referenceable (i.e.
accessible or readable for both humans and machines) through the
definition server. The server has two branches. One is the operational
branch, where each term goes through the auspices of the OGC Naming
Authority, and the experimental branch, where we can play around as we
like. We will use the experimental branch for now, but nothing prevents
us from moving resources from the experimental to the operational branch
once stabilized.
The overall motivation is that consumers have a "reference of truth" for
each term. Normally, if you go to a data server and request e.g. air
pollution data for your home town, you get some data together with
usually very brief and sometimes cryptic identifiers, e.g.
observedProperties: aTemp, PM10, NOx, sensor: SDS011. So what do these
things mean? By having a URL that can be accessed, you find out that
"aTemp" stands for air temperature, or that SDS011 is a high precision
laser pm2.5 air quality detection sensor module.
Some further information can be found on the wiki page "publishing
Interoperability Resources as Definitions" at,
but in principle this email should contain all information you need.
Please don't hesitate to contact Rob, Bart or myself if you have any
further questions!
And remember - these terms could be just column names in CSV files or any other place where the user might need to understand exactly what is meant, because short names are always ambiguous. I can help extracting these into a standard format (SKOS) but need the samples and some definitions.
Reporting and discussion
- For each of you attending be ready to report on the following questions:
- What have you done in the last month? (relate that to the working items identifiers).
- Are you able to provide a demo for today or the telecons to come?
- What do you need from other participants
- What you could do in the next month.
Next Action Points:
OGC, GEOSS and H2020
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First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:
EsterPrat - 09 Jan 2019
JoanMaso - 11 Jun 2019