Telco #6

When: January 18th 2019 15:00 PM CET - 9:00 AM EDT


Previous Action Points

Email report

From: *Just to keep you updated, here is the current state of our work.
    • We were able to set up an SOS for our soil moisture data using the istSOS implementation. Although Simon Jirka and his colleagues very kindly and patiently answer our questions regarding the setup of the 52° implementation, we were not yet able to get it running. There are still runtime errors popping up, we are not able to resolve.
    • A master student of mine is currently implementing an extension for the mobile data collection toolkit Open Data Kit (ODK). The extension will allow for the semantic annotation of form elements using the form designer of ODK. Based on those annotations and a set of templates, data collected via a mobile application can be flexibly exported according to different data models. We think this could be quite useful for citizen science projects focusing on the collection of structured data via mobile applications. It would be nice, if we can present this work during our IE meeting at EGU.

From: Rob Atkinson
  • I am about to start describing interoperability profiles already part of the OGC specification family using the newly release Profiles Ontology, and I have been working on some low-level tasks around supporting JSON-LD.
  • In the meantime the wiki notes I wrote are still relevant - start off by identifying those terminology vocabularies and interoperability requirements for the IE and forwarding them to me so I can stand them up as linked data resource examples.
  • If Anne has a technical contact for her implementation project I can also touch base and discuss how to integrate such resources into their build.
  • Lets move forward with practical steps - actual content, rather than any more abstract concepts.


  • What you could do in the next month.
  • Next regular telecon will be in February, on Wednesday 13th at 15h PM CET.


Reporting and discussion

  • For each of you attending be ready to report on the following questions:
    • What have you done in the last month? (relate that to the working items identifiers).
    • Are you able to provide a demo for today or the telecons to come?
    • What do you need from other participants
    • What you could do in the next month.

Next Action Points

  • Frederike will monitor the process to make the URL of the istSOS
  • Ingo Simonis wants to know if and which vocabulary we use to characterize the observation variables and how to connect to the naming authority
  • Propose nest telco in Australian time.
  • Andy asks about the MiraMon map browser code:
  • What we are going to do in the next EGU meeting?

Telecon Information

CoP3 & CitSciIE Telco#6 Jan19
Fri, Jan 18, 2018 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CET

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First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:

-- EsterPrat - 09 Jan 2019
Topic revision: r3 - 18 Jan 2019, JoanMaso
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