-- JosephAbhayaratna - 17 May 2017

Use Case Name


Clearly identify domain/sector of activity

Emergency Management



Clearly identify the objectives/benefits of the use case

This use case addresses the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

8. Decent work and economic growth

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

11. Sustainable cities and communities


The ability to plan and respond to risks and issues relating to disaster management.

User Story Description

Jeremy is in the Metropolitan Fire Service. Each day he comes into work, and checks the Common Operating Picture (COP) which displays the known fires and combustible gas notifications, their status (e.g., Contained, Out of Control, Unknown, etc.), coupled with information from environmental sensors that monitor temperature, humidity, and other indicators that are used to calculate a nominal fire danger risk. Mid-way through his morning, his station receives a new notification from a building’s combustible gas sensor telling them that there are elevated levels of natural gas. Jeremy’s engine is dispatched to the building.

Richard, the building’s senior fire warden has organized the evacuation of the building. Carol, an employee on the third floor, gets to the evacuation point and checks in using the COP. Richard checks the building updates to ensure that everyone has been evacuated. No one from the second floor has checked in. Richard heads up to the second floor to see why. When he gets there, he realizes that the fire alarm on the second floor hasn’t sounded for some reason. He notifies the people there that a combustible gas alarm has gone off, and they need to evacuate. When he gets back down to the evacuation point, he notices that the incident status has been updated to show that everyone in the building has either checked in or has been marked as not on site. When Jeremy’s fire engine arrives, he meets Richard

Sequence Diagram

Actor List and Requirement

Actors identified Citizen, Emergency Services
Requirements (from the actor's perspective)  

Available Data

Data Technical Description Standards applied
3D City Model 3D City Model CityGML, 3D Tiles
Building Information Models The reference data and services necessary to display buildings, and the location of sensors within the build IFC
Asset management services The decision systems necessary to receive notifications from sensors SensorThingsAPI
Map data and services The reference data and services necessary to visualise maps Web Feature Service, Web Map Service


Dependencies on other use cases

Topic revision: r2 - 05 Jul 2017, JosephAbhayaratna
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