-- JosephAbhayaratna - 17 May 2017

Use Case Name


Clearly identify domain/sector of activity

Service Delivery



Clearly identify the objectives/benefits of the use case

The service under study in this use case is childcare. It could just as easily be access to services that assist with eradication of poverty (e.g., homeless shelters), feeding the needy, or health care, and thus should be applicable to the achievement of the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

1. No Poverty

2. Zero Hunger

3. Good Health and Well Being


The ability to plan the delivery of basic services in order to increase access for citizens.

User Story Description

Catelyn is a program manager for the Department of Childcare Services. She manages a program which provides incentives for childcare providers who provide services in areas of need in order to provide greater access to the workforce for citizens. New applications for funding are received twice annually.

Dave is a budding Childcare provider. He logs into Catelyn’s grants management system (GMS), checks out the Demand Map which takes data from the Census of Population and Housing, combines it with the Department’s provider list, and shows areas of need. Dave then looks for facilities that match the Department’s minimum requirements for eligibility within an area of need, and then uses GMS to lodge an application for funding based on providing childcare services in that area of need. GMS requires the following information from applicants:

  1. An address for the service
  2. A capacity, the number of children that can be cared for by the service – and their age ranges
  3. Opening hours

When the funding round closes, GMS runs its Applications Process which geocodes the address for each service, looks at the Census of Population and Housing to determine demand for childcare based on location and age range, and selects the most effective mix of eligible providers from the list of applicants based on some selection algorithm. Catelyn is notified at the completion of the Applications Process. She logs into GMS where she can see two maps side by side, the Demand Map before the selected applications and the Demand Map after the selected applications. After verifying that the Applications Process has successfully improved access to childcare services, she accepts the results of the Applications Process.

Upon acceptance, GMS notifies those that were selected that their applications have been approved and provides letters of offer for the grant electronically. Dave is selected. He logs into GMS to accept the offer, and the provider list is updated to reflect Dave’s address, capacity and opening hours.

Sequence Diagram

Actor List and Requirement

Actors identified Government, Service Provider
Requirements (from the actor's perspective)  

Available Data

Data Technical Description Standards applied
Demographic Information The reference data and services necessary to access a Census of Population and Housing Web Feature Service, Table Joining Service
Asset management services The services necessary to access real time GMS Service Provider data Web Feature Service, GeoRSS
Geocoding and Map data and services The reference data and services necessary to geocode and visualise Service Provider information and demand from applications. At the lowest resolution, the GMS Demand Map would contain administrative areas. OpenLS (new Geocoding API?), Web Feature Service, Web Map Service


Dependencies on other use cases

Topic revision: r2 - 05 Jul 2017, JosephAbhayaratna
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