-- JosephAbhayaratna - 17 May 2017

Use Case Name


Clearly identify domain/sector of activity

Urban Planning


Asset Management

Clearly identify the objectives/benefits of the use case

This use case addresses the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

11. Sustainable cities and communities


The ability to plan and respond to incident reports relating to a city's assets, in this case road health.

User Story Description

Leslie uses her favourite City App to search for the restaurant she agreed to meet her friend at. She drives with the City App open on her smartphone to take advantage of its traffic and incident alerting. On her way, she sees a pothole. She marks the pothole’s position using a button on the City App’s navigation screen that drops a pin. When she stops her car, she uses the City App to fill in the remaining details regarding the pothole and submits a road incident report.

Tom, another driver, is also using the City App to take advantage of the its alerting features. He specifies in the City App that he is traveling to work. The City App notifies him that the shortest route has a damaged road surface, and asks whether he wishes to choose another route. Tom elects to take the shortest route. As he approaches the pothole that Leslie previously notified, Tom is asked for confirmation of the damaged road surface. He confirms it.

Stephen, a controller for road maintenance, is looking at the Common Operating Picture road maintenance view. He sees Leslie’s verified notification pop up on the map. The road is marked as high priority based on its historical throughput. As more and more verifications come through, the incident’s priority is increased and a road crew is dispatched at a time when the road is known to be under-utilized based on historical usage statistics. When the crew reaches the pothole, the status of the pothole incident is marked as “Work commenced”, and the City App sends notifications to approaching traffic to help them find an alternate route and allow the road crew to complete the job quickly. Once the road work is complete, the crew updates the status of the pothole, and road users are once again routed down the road.

Over time, historical incidents are used to predict road maintenance needs so that roads can be preemptively maintained as required.

Sequence Diagram

Actor List and Requirement

Actors identified Citizen, Government, Service Provider
Requirements (from the actor's perspective)  

Available Data

Data Technical Description Standards applied
Routing services The reference data and services necessary for routing, and re-routing, based on road incident reports OpenLS
Asset management services Real time feeds to monitor road incident reports. SensorThingsAPI
Geocoding and Map data and services The reference data and services necessary to geocode and visualise locations in a city OpenLS (new Geocoding API?), Web Feature Service, Web Map Service


Dependencies on other use cases

Topic revision: r2 - 05 Jul 2017, JosephAbhayaratna
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