-- JosephAbhayaratna - 17 May 2017

Use Case Name


Clearly identify domain/sector of activity

Urban Planning


Waste Management

Clearly identify the objectives/benefits of the use case

This use case addresses the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

11. Sustainable cities and communities

12. Responsible consumption and production


City and citizens working together to minimise waste and ensure correct disposal.

User Story Description

Edward works for Waste Management Services. Thanks to sensors that are fitted to bins in Edward’s city, he can use the Common Operating Picture to determine when bins are nearing capacity. When enough bins near capacity, Edward jumps in the truck, connects his smartphone to the COP using a mobile app, and routes the efficient collection of those bins.

Catelyn is an avidly green citizen. She wants to compare her floor’s recycling with that of the other floors in her building. Thanks to the sensors on the bins in her building, she can see how often the recycling bins on her floor are collected in contrast with the garbage bins. She logs onto her City App, which is connected into the COP. It opens a map that centres on her location, and shows the buildings in her area and the ratios of garbage to recycling levels and collections – a metric called the recycling profile. She chooses her building from the map, and she can see the summarised ratios per floor. Using this information, she organizes education sessions for the inhabitants of the floor with the worst recycling profile.

Lisa is an app developer for the city. After receiving several change requests from Catelyn to add a bin profile for composting, she adds a new bin type to the City App. Catelyn approaches her building manager and uses compost profiles of buildings near hers to make the case for compost bins. She uses the good will of the building manager, and some signage from Waste Management Services to advertise the forthcoming addition of compost bins throughout her building.

Waste Management Services uses city-wide recycling/composting profiles for planning where to distribute garbage, recycling and compost bins and their relevant collection services throughout the city, when to advertise its services to promote greener profiles, and how to manage its budget with respect to demand for commercial composting and recycling services.

Sequence Diagram

Actor List and Requirement

Actors identified Citizen, Government, Service Provider
Requirements (from the actor's perspective)  

Available Data

Data Technical Description Standards applied
3D City Model 3D City Model CityGML, 3D Tiles
Routing services The reference data and services necessary for routing, and re-routing, based on need OpenLS
Asset management services The decision systems necessary to manage maintenance and balanced utilisation SensorThingsAPI
Map data and services The reference data and services necessary to aggregate data by suburb Web Feature Service, Web Processing Service


Dependencies on other use cases

Topic revision: r4 - 05 Jul 2017, JosephAbhayaratna
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