-- DimitriSarafinof - 16 May 2017
Use Case Name
Clearly identify domain/sector of activity
Urban Planning
Clearly identify the objectives/benefits of the use case
Faster validation of new projects/buildings
Tool for urban planning and decision making
This use case addresses the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
User Story Description
Urban planning authorities have to instruct application for permit to build coming from BIM contractors, and check the conformance with urban planning rules (UPR). The use of BIM models encoded in IFC will become mandatory for important building projects.
The proposed building project (provided as a BIM and encoded in IFC) should be:
- validation against urban rules planning (this process should be automated)
- validation with human verification; the analyst should be able to view the building project within the existing 3D model of the city.
Once the project has been validated and realized, the BIM data needs to be added to the exiting 3D City Model or database, according to local city rules, with mappings to the various LODs. The provided BIM data should also be stored with links between the geospatial data (at feature level) and BIM data.
The proposed building project (provided as a BIM and encoded in IFC) should be:
- validation against urban rules planning (this process should be automated)
- validation with human verification; the analyst should be able to view the building project within the existing 3D model of the city.
Once the project has been validated and realized, the BIM data needs to be added to the exiting 3D City Model or database, according to local city rules, with mappings to the various LODs. The provided BIM data should also be stored with links between the geospatial data (at feature level) and BIM data.
Sequence Diagram
Actor List and Requirement
Available Data
Data |
Technical Description |
Standards applied |
3D City Model |
3D City Model |
CityGML |
BIM Data |
a BIM project (new building, infrastructure ...) |
View services |
The reference service to view 3D City Model |
3DTiles, 3D Portrayal Service |
Processing |
The reference service to check a project again urban rules and convert a BIM project into a CityGML file |
Web Processing Service |
Download Service |
The reference services necessary to download 3D CityModel and BIM data |
Web Feature Service, BIM Server |
Dependencies on other use cases