-- DimitriSarafinof - 16 May 2017
Use Case Name
Clearly identify domain/sector of activity
Urban Planning
Clearly identify the objectives/benefits of the use case
Tool for urban planning and decision making
This use case addresses the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
17. Partnerships for the Goals
User Story Description
Urban services (collection and street cleaning, lighting, drainage, public roads, parks and gardens, transport and telecommunications networks, telephone, electricity, water and gas) are often kept in separate systems, that are difficult and expensive to connect to each other (each connection is a one-of and hard to repeat). Unifying the existing and future information for each of the different areas, included within urban services, using standards-based interoperable web services will give the city the ability to do cross urban service analyse and visualize the results in a 3D environment that helps the decision makers of the city.
Urban service staff vizualise model of the city; he connects the model to other data (lightings, networks ...) thanks to the integrated system (all systems are connected and synchronized) and overlays them. Staff can better plan for daily maintenance over the lifetime of the systems (ligtings, networks, ...). Decision makers can take "better" and more advised decision (for example, benefit from road works to improve underground networks, drainage ...). Maintenance can be planned on the long run.
Sequence Diagram
Actor List and Requirement
Available Data
Data |
Technical Description |
Standards applied |
3D City Model |
3D City Model |
CityGML |
Network data |
collection and street cleaning, lighting, drainage, public roads, parks and gardens, transport and telecommunications networks, telephone, electricity, water and gas |
View services |
The reference service to view 3D City Model |
3DTiles, 3D Portrayal Service |
Processing |
The reference service to plan for maintenance tasks (daily or big renovations) |
Web Processing Service |
Dependencies on other use cases