Hydrology Domain Working Group

Meeting details at Sydney TC

Venue: NICTA, Australian Technology Park, Level 5, 13 Garden Street, Eveleigh NSW 2015, Australia

Time: Wednesday 2 December, 10:45-12:30 (UTC/GMT +11)

Link to Sydney TC agenda

GotoMeeting Joining Details

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Access Code: 859-960-229 Audio PIN will be displayed upon joining the web session.


1. GroundwaterML2 and Groundwater SWG (Boyan Brodaric, NR Canada; Bruce Simons, CSIRO). Presentation

2. Hydrologic Features (Rob Atkinson, Metalinkage; Irina Dornblut, GRDC; David Blogett, USGS). Presentation

3. Linked service adhoc proposal - environmental monitoring (Alistair Ritchie, Landcare New Zealand; Byron Cochrane, Land Information New Zealand). Presentation

-- TonyBoston - 21 Oct 2015
Topic revision: r8 - 02 Dec 2015, TonyBoston
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