Planning up till Kick Off

This page contains some of the older planning content which was used to get the IE moving up until kick off.

Current Status and Timetable

  • 6 May Current status - OAB approved activity plan (done)
  • 13 May Press release by OGC (done)
  • 14 June final day for expressing interest in participating in IE
  • June 16: Kick Off meeting Silver Spring TC.

Checklist prior to submission to OAB

Initiator Organisation Checked plan and agree (Y/N) Letter of support provided (Y/N)
disy Yes Yes
IOW-Sandre Yes Yes
USGS Yes Yes
Kisters Yes Yes
DLZ-IT Yes Yes



Update 24 March.

I have posted the latest version of the IE plan as an attachment to this page. To het the plan to a stage where I can get some feedback form the OGC, I participants to enter their organisation and task details into the table below.
OrganisationSorted descending Task Details (1 sentence) Names of Individuals involved
USGS Relative to Use Case 3, USGS (tentatively) will stand up a WFS, SOS and getCap for the Mississippi River. Will supply daily min, max and average values for streamflow (discharge) from USGS 07373420, MISSISSIPPI R NR ST. FRANCISVILLE, LA, ( in WaterML2. More sites to follow as time allows. Nate Booth, Dave Briar
KISTERS will implement the SOS Service with WaterML2.0 into the Hydrological Information System WISKI 7. The SOS can be used to serve/publish data and/or to consume data inside the KISTERS Solution Michael Natschke, Stefan Fuest
International Office for Water - Sandre will test hydro quantity data exchange using WaterML2.0 and deploying OGC webservices (WMS, WFS, SOS) on national and cross-border use casesk; thus will contribute to the evolution on WaterML2.0. Potential feedback on French Water Information System will also be evaluated. Sylvain Grellet and associates
DLZ-IT will will provide surface water time series data of the German federal hydrometric network (quantity and quality) using SOS and WaterML2.0. Christian Michl, Dietmar Mothes
• SDSC/CUAHSI (USA): will contribute to the development of WaterML 2.0 and potentially aid in the development of web services for the USA data Ilya Zaslavsky, David Valentine and associates
52° North We will contribute a SOS implementation supporting WaterML 2.0; through this SOS implementation. Furthermore we will support the deployment of this SOS implementation in order to allow other contributors to serve surface water data. Additionally, we can supply client APIs and components to access SWE services. They can be used to build client applications. Depending on the specific requirements, we can also provide catalogue technology for the discovery of sensors and the look up of observables/phenomena and their semantics. Simon Jirka, Arne Bröring

Update 23 March

Thanks to all of you who contributed on Thursday morning to flesh out the surface water IE. I believe good progress was made with consensus reached on a number of areas. These include:

  • The primary aim of the IE is to further develop WaterML2.0
  • That there are probably going to be three surface water use case which will be used to exercise WaterML2
  • That the IE project plan will be structured around 4 milestone with the goal of iteratively increasing the functionality of the services and clients each milestone.

As agreed on Thursday we will meet early on the week of 29th March probably 30th March. I have organised a Doodle poll at to identify times that might be suit able for everyone. Can you please make your preference as soon as possible.

Update 16 March

Notes for the Meeting on Thursday 18 March.

The main goal for the meeting is to confirm scope and participation of the IE.

  • If you want to dial in you need to..
  • The document is no longer available for editing

Update 17 February 2010

An experiment planning document is underway, with the latest draft attached to the twiki below.

Note that the plan is to meet at the ISPRA Hydro-DWG planning meeting on either 15/3 or 18/3. Can you please contact me to indicate if you are planning to attend and on which of those days best suits you.

Agenda for ISPRA SurfaceWater IE Experiment 15 or 18 of March

  • Introductions
  • Main aims of IE
  • Presentation of plans so far
  • Individual organisation aims
  • Define process for finalising planning
  • Next meeting


There has been considerable interest in developing up additional Interoperability Experiments as part of the DWG. Reminding members of the policies and procedures of an IE which can be found in OGC document 05-130r3. Summarising briefly, IE's must:
  • Focus on an interoperability issue relevant to the OGC and the DWG
  • Be completed in a reasonable timeframe ~4-6 months
  • Share the results with all members of the OGC
  • Participants shall not be paid for contribution (i.e. the contributions are all in kind)

Further, IE's are open to OGC members of good standing, but non-OGC observers may be included on a case by case basis.

Linkage to Groundwater IE

Please review the ground water IE to ensure that you are aware of the technological focus for that IE. This will guide you on what and how you might want to contribute. We also need to ensure that the IE is complementary to the GW IE.


  • Call for expressions of interest 15 December 2009
  • Collation of expressions 31 January 2010
  • Circulation of possible IE for comment TBA

List of interested parties and ideas.

Please add your ideas and contributions by editing the table below.

Organisation Ideas for IE Possible contribution to IE Contact
CSIRO TBA Contribution to the development of WaterML2 suitable for surface water  
IOW - Sandre Ideally doing cross-border quality/quantity data interchange with countries sharing a common river (ex : Rhin - Rhein - between Germany & France but other situations can, of course, suit as well). Going further it could be interesting to exchange information on the same event/period (eg: flood, high rainfall, tracking a specific pollution); I'm sure this will lead to unexpected observations we can provide the real datasets (maybe not for all the quality aspects : this should be further refined), "remodeled" datasets, thematic/technical expertise, data servers/storage/bandwidth  
52° North - We can contribute a SOS implementation supporting WaterML 2.0; through this SOS implementation we will be able to make water level data for the German Federal waterways (e.g. for the Rhine) available (this data would be provided by the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute)  
Service Centre Information Technology of the BMVBS catchment orientated approach of water monitoring and management, test catchment Rhine basin using cross-border data from Switzerland, France, Germany and the Netherlands providing data of the German federal hydrometric network (quantity and quality) over WISKI system (Kisters); supplying SOS implementation of system PEGELONLINE (WaterML 2.0 adaptation by 52°North)  
CUAHSI Cross US/Mexico border experiment with water quantity data TBA  
KISTERS Check feasibility of service definitions in distributed server landscape of all participants Consume and provide services  

Possible Scenario

The scenario for the surface water IE is looking likely to be a cross-border one. There is interest in the US for a US/Mexico experiment, and also in Europe exchanging data across borders which share a common river. In this case the IE will initially focus on surface water data availability. Given the broad interest in this IE, it is also likely that the IE will not focus on one geographical area, rather it will have a couple (More likely 2, one in the US and one in Europe) , representing the areas of interest to the participants. For each study area, it important to have both contributing parties involved in the i.e. For example, if the study area is the Rhin-Rhein, participants from both Germany and France will be required.

Phases of the Surface Water IE.

This section details some ideas on phasing of the IE into a series of experiments leading up to a testbed in which the data services will be put to work in some way. The current IE planning at this stage is only for phase one.

Phase 1

This phase will concentrate on data availability, with participants standing up data services and contributing to the development of WaterML2. Contributions of clients suitable for visualising surface water data are also required.

Phase 2

This phase could concentrate on service discovery, and or standing up basic processing hydrological processing services, perhaps a simple water balance model.

Phase 3


-- PeterFitch - 15 Dec 2009

-- PeterFitch - 18 Jun 2010
Topic revision: r1 - 18 Jun 2010, PeterFitch
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