Welcome to the CanadaForum web


The goal of the Canada Forum is to better serve Canadian needs for geospatial data and services. The Forum is an informal organization open to all Canadian Organizations (including non-OGC members) and international OGC members conducting business or research in Canada. Examples of organizations include, but are not limited to, Federal, Provincial, Territorial, and Municipal governments, Indigenous Organizations, Academia, and Industry.

The Canada Forum will provide a platform for all stakeholders to increase collaboration with a focus on Canada's requirements for sharing geospatial data and information, capacity building, innovation, outreach, industry business development, and others. The forum is also intended to provide a venue for the community to improve the level of Canadian influence in the OGC geospatial standards process and related standards partners (e.g., ISO, IHO, GEO, UN-GGIM, W3C, CGSB).

Sign up for the list serve, which is open to all Canadian organisations (OGC member and non-member), and organisations doing business in Canada.


The Canada Forum was created based on extensive consultation with Canadian Organizations, beginning with a summit held in St. John's, Newfoundland, and Labrador, in June 2017. The Canadian community identified a series of requirements and needs and agreed to move forward with the creation of a Charter, which the wider OGC Community formally approved in April 2018. See this link for a copy of the approved Charter for the Canada Forum on Geospatial Standards, which provides more details on the purpose and structure of the Canada Forum. In September 2019


Work Plan

  • All sectors of the Canadian Community gain value from Forum activities
  • Agreed-upon work items do not require substantial additional resource commitments from Forum Participants
  • All Canadian organizations, both members and non-members, as well as organizations doing business in Canada, are included in activities
  • There will be a focus on reaching out to sectors in Canada not traditionally highly active in the Geomatics community
  • Work Plan Discussion


Charter Members

AE Inc., CAE, Computer Research Institute of Montreal (CRIM), Compusult Ltd., Cubewerx Inc., Ecere Corp., Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Esri Canada Ltd., Fisheries and Marine Institute (Memorial University of Newfoundland), Mount Royal University, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Internal Services Department - Geographic Information Services (Province of Nova Scotia), NewfoundView, the PYXIS innovation, SensorUP, Teledyne CARIS, Tesera Systems Inc., University of Calgary

Co-Chair Information

  • Ryan Ahola, Natural Resources Canada
  • Bradford Dean, Mohawk Council of Kahnawake
  • Paul Churcher, Department of National Defence
  • Aurelian Constantinescu, CAE Inc
  • Andy Hoggarth, Teledyne - CARIS
  • Trevor Taylor, OGC
  • Rosie Chen, OGC

Contact Information

For general questions, comments or ideas, please contact Trevor Taylor ttaylor@ogcNOspamPlease.org or Rosie Chen rchen@ogcNOspamPlease.org.

CanadaForum Web Utilities

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
2019 Agenda.pdfpdf 2019 Agenda.pdf manage 241 K 11 Apr 2024 - 22:19 RosieChen  
Canada_Forum_Agenda.pdfpdf Canada_Forum_Agenda.pdf manage 241 K 11 Apr 2024 - 22:16 RosieChen  
Canada_Forum_in_Montreal_2024_-_1.jpgjpg Canada_Forum_in_Montreal_2024_-_1.jpg manage 4 MB 09 Jul 2024 - 20:23 RosieChen  
Taylor_-_Canada_Summit_Keynote.pptxpptx Taylor_-_Canada_Summit_Keynote.pptx manage 7 MB 19 Oct 2018 - 13:32 TrevorTaylor  
csummit.jpgjpg csummit.jpg manage 124 K 20 Jun 2018 - 14:27 TrevorTaylor  
flag.jpgjpg flag.jpg manage 16 K 24 Apr 2018 - 20:29 TrevorTaylor  
graf_enhanced.jpgjpg graf_enhanced.jpg manage 454 K 01 Aug 2018 - 19:20 TrevorTaylor  
Topic revision: r27 - 19 Sep 2024, RosieChen
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