Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest (CCIP) 2009

"Ensuring that high-quality climate data records are collected, retained and made accessible for use by current and future generations of scientists and decision-makers is a key objective of this Plan. As a result, investment in the data management and analysis components of the system is as important as the acquisition of the data." -- Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCC, 2004

CCIP 2009 demonstrates standards-based interoperability between geospatial applications in the service of Climate Change analysis. It consists of a network of online data services (WCS, WFS, SOS), online analysis services (WPS, WCPS, WMS), and a range of geospatial client applications that exercise those services.

The Plugfest was launched at the international FOSS4G Conference 2009, but CCIP participation was open to all software vendors, hackers and system integrators whether the software is open or proprietary. FOSS4G 2009 was in Sydney, Australia, 20-23 October 2009 (See also FutureCcipConferences).

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