Service Offerings from lat/lon GmbH

Proposed Contribution

lat/lon is developing OGC-based solutions on base of the [[][deegree project] – an Open Source initiative started by lat/lon and Bonn University that comprises OGC Reference Implementations (RIs) such as WMS 1.1.1 & 1.3.0, and WCS 1.0.0. All source code of deegree is published under Library GNU Public License (LGPL).

lat/lon will contribute a Web Coverage Service (WCS) 1.0.0 based on the deegree framework. WCS will host grid coverages as available. The data served by the WCS can be used for further computation, e.g. by distributed processing services based on a Web Processing Service (WPS) or by end-users using desktop GIS software capable of accessing OGC-compliant interfaces.

To leverage the integration of computational tasks, lat/lon will also provide a deegree Web Processing Server (WPS) 1.0.0. WPS is a generic container for geoprocessing functionalities. WPS may be utilized by other stakeholders to host their processes. lat/lon will not provide any processes. Nevertheless, if necessary lat/lon will provide information resources to help interested parties in providing processing routines.

If necessary, other services as provided by the deegree framework (e.g. SOS, WMS, WFS etc.) may be utilized to integrate further data sets. deegree WMS 1.1.1/1.3.0 can be used to access and/or visualize datasets of deegree WCS as well as datasets from other vendors.

There is a frontpage linking to all available services at,

Several example layers are available within a little portal solution

WCS 1.0.0

WMS 1.1.1

WFS 1.1.0

SOS 1.0.0

WPS 1.0.0

Topic revision: r13 - 04 Nov 2009, SebastianGoerke
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