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Results from Main web retrieved at 22:48 (GMT)

List of OGC Public Wiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the ...
r227 - 07 Mar 2011 - 16:38 by TWikiRegistrationAgent
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
r375 - 07 Mar 2011 - 05:00 by TWikiAdminGroup
List of OGC Public Wiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the ...
Number of topics: 3

Results from HydrologyDWG web retrieved at 22:48 (GMT)

AGU 2009 Fall Meeting Attendees * NRCan (CAN): Main.BoyanBrodaric * USGS (USA): Main.NateBooth * CSIRO (AU): Main.PeterFitch * UCSD (USA): Main.Ilya...
API Development topics This page holds a collection of links to pages relating to API development. Requirements * User Questions : Explorers the user questio...
We've had a number of discussions on the naming of classes as well as coming up with a core glossary. Due to a few iterations on the model and the naming discussi...
Model overview (as of 13 November) This page describes the current state of the model, and poses some open questions to be address. The focus to date has been on ...
Meeting details Time: September 29 2009, 08:00 10:00 Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting held at Darmstadt. Remote Participants: Phone 1 641 715 ...
On 11/3 we discussed some generalities of the IE scope and implementation. Below is a more detailed proposal for what we'd consider for a prototype SOS service. ...
Harmonising Standards for Water Observation Data Discussion Paper This report takes a look at exisiting standards for water data exchange and attempts to identi...
Announcement Dates: 15 18 March, 2010 (Formal component on 16th and 17th) Venue: JRC, Ispra, Italy Purpose: This meeting will be the first workshop of the Hy...
Agenda * Review current model * Open questions * Timeline to Redlands and beyond Attendees * Paul Sheahan, Matt Fry, Peter Taylor, Doug Palmer, Michael...
Meeting 17th June, 2012 Agenda 1 Discuss domain scope of information model and requirements 1 Form core use cases and exchange scenarios 1 Prepare for R...
Agenda * Decision points review * Range values * Possible scenarios and examples from organisations. What type of metadata do people want to see represen...
Relationship to relevant (feature) models HY_Features HY_Features model has some logical connection points through the related features in the HY_SurfaceWaterBod...
Meeting details Time: December 8, 2009, 13:00 16:00 Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting held at Mountain View, CA. TC Meeting Info TC Meeting Agenda Re...
Google docs Google docs is up there in terms of functionality and most people have a good accound of some sort. Please go here:
Changes to API for discussion Remove redudancy in responses Many returned objects repeat properties that are redundant, usually due as a result of a query. For e...
Describing and querying variables/phenomena in the API Following both the discussion of the API and vocabularies, we still need to resolve how the API deals with ...
Agenda items for meeting * Status/progress of implementations * Scenarios and scope * Implementation questions * How to handle vocabularies: local ...
This page sets out the scenarios for the RGS IE. Scenario Summary Scenario Actor Provider Ratings Gaugings Sections Range Values 1 Bureau ret...
This page caputres details relating to the WaterML2.0 part 2 IE Planning The OGC process to get an IE started is summarised in the following diagram: The activit...
Agenda * Browser dependency (HTML headers) * WIRADA Demo * Presentations at HDWG in Geneva * API Core calls * Python Validator * Links and/or Actu...
Agenda 1 Update on services and web client 1 IDs, links, 1 Addressing objects directly by ID 1 Remove the need to address individual object...
Prototype API @ CSIRO I've setup a test API with sample data to allow people to see a running service. Details: * There is an auto documentation endpoint here:...
Sample Data UK Environment Agency * Spread sheet of common RGS data EA_44810_GSDQ_summary.xlsx Australian BOM * WDTF : Ratings and gaugings * WDTF Sect...
This page contains a list of recent changes to the CSIRO API implementation. 13 04 2014 ~ 10:00 AEST 1 Added the id field to the conversion/rating objects 1...
Open questions Get rating periods Q: I guess we need to discuss how “rating/conversion groups” will be defined. For the IE are we only dealing with stage dischar...
API queries This page is a consolidated list of user queries for the API to be used in the IE. The list of initial queries is on this page: UserRequirements. I ha...
Agenda Questions to cover (from Brian) 1) What "latest" refers to. It's not always possible for to determine the latest rating is. Restrict to 'simple ratings'....
The page is broken up into parts reflecting vocabularies from the various parts of the model, along the lines of the following diagram. The question for the RGS g...
Implementing SOS 1.0.0 over large collection of sensors. This document is to clarify an issue that we knew existed in the current SOS 1.0 spec and a way to addres...
SOS Services that serve WaterML2.0 Current status CSIRO and 52North are working on adapting current SOS implementations to serve WaterML2.0. KISTERS implemented ...
SamplingFeature Discussion What should be the featureOfInterest of an Observation There was a lot of discussion around the featureOfInterest (foi) of an Observat...
Setting up UML for RGS If you are using a vmware instanace, don't try to put things on virtual shared drives. Store things within the vm. Or odd lock ups happen. ...
Meeting details Time: June 15, 2010, 08:00 noon Time at other locations: time and Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting at NOAA, Silver Spring. ...
Meeting Details Time: September 22, 2010, 08:00 11:00 Time at other locations: month=9 year=2010...
WaterML 2.0 Part 1 Time Series has been adopted as an international standard in the Open Geospatial Consortium as of June 2012, see http://www.opengeospatial.or...
WaterML 2.0 part 2 Ratings, Gaugings and Sections (RGS) As of August 2015, the OGC TC PC votes for adoption have been completed, and WaterML 2.0 Part 2 RGS ...
Statistics for HydrologyDWG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uplo...
Top level page Ratings page
Number of topics: 38
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