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Results from Main web retrieved at 20:03 (GMT)

item14,Main.GabrielAsato,2013 07 25 1 item14=Like 2013 07 25 item1,Main.WikiGuest,2013 07 29 1 item1=Like 2013 07 29 item2 59.161....
List of OGC Public Wiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the ...
r227 - 07 Mar 2011 - 16:38 by TWikiRegistrationAgent
List of OGC Public Wiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the ...
WMO sample weather maps (World Meteorological Organisation) Here are the corresponding JSON fragements of the dadta used to create the maps. Main.ChrisLittle ...
Number of topics: 4

Results from ILAFpublic web retrieved at 20:03 (GMT)

Statistics for ILAFpublic Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and upload...
Number of topics: 1

Results from Ideas4OGC web retrieved at 20:03 (GMT)

"Reduce the number of meetings" The underpinning wiki page Tc/Pc Meetings has lots of useful stuff only a couple of lines are about having fewer meetings. Mai...
Number of topics: 1

Results from MetOceanDWG web retrieved at 20:03 (GMT)

Agenda The meeting was held at the Boston OGC Technical Conference, 16:00 18:00, Monday, 22 June 2009 16:00 Co Chair Report, covering: Co Chair progres...
DIGEST Datum Codes Horizontal Datum from DIGEST DIGEST Code Ellipsoid Notes: (1) Horizontal datums can be used as vertical datums when the measure is ma...
Agenda The meeting was held at the Boston OGC Technical Conference, 16:00 18:00, Monday, 22 June 2009 16:00 Co Chair Report, covering: Co Chair progres...
Feature and Coverage Portrayal using SLD/SE In this context Feature Portrayal is defined as visualizing GML Features, and Coverage Portrayal as visualizing covera...
Third Workshop on the Use of GIS / OGC standards in Meteorology, 15 17 November 2010, Exeter, UK This follows th...
Meeting details Agenda Monday 28 February 09:00 10:00 (Bonn time) (08:00 09:00 UTC) COVERAGE SESSION OF SHARED INTEREST * "Basic Geoscientific Data Categories...
Here is an updated detailed Agenda for the Met Ocean Domain Working Group, to be held at the OGC Tech Conf, Exeter, UK, Tuesday, 14:00 16:55 BST (13:00 15:55 UT...
Met Ocean DWG, Frascati, Italy, 24 September 2013 Proposed Agenda 14:45 14:55 CEST: Announcements and struggling with technology: ECMWF Op Met ...
The Met Ocean DWG will convene at 16:00 17:55 on Monday, 29 November, at the OGC TC Meeting in Sydney. The detailed agenda so far is as follows: 16:00 Announcem...
A useful current talk: * Overview of WMO involvement in OGC, February 2011 PowerPoint Past meetings with agendas and presentations: * 1st Workshop on the U...
Teleconferences Teleconferences are held biweekly or as needed via Goto meeting announced in the DWG mailing list and on the OGC portal. They usually take place a...
Note: PRIORITY USE CASES / themes 1 Aviation 1 Hydrometeorology 1 Climate science Institutional Use Cases These use cases are meant to document a set of...
Minutes of Telecon Monday 8 February 2010, 15:00 16:00 UTC Attendees * Marie Françoise Voidrot (MF) * Chris Little (UKMO) * Ben Domenico (UCAR) * Fré...
Minutes for the MetOcean DWG Teleconference, 9th July 2012, 15:00 16.00 UTC Attendees Chris Little (UKMO)Jeff de la Beaujardière (NOAA)Jürgen Seib (DWD)Roy Ladne...
Minutes for the MetOcean DWG Teleconference, 30 July 2012, 15:00 16.00 UTC Attendees Chris Little (UKMO) Jürgen Seib (DWD) Ben Domenico (UCAR) Stephan Siemen (EC...
Please add questions, issues, etc to this page Issue and Works current status summary * : Impact on the Profile doc, : Comments, : Actions* Handli...
To fill in the questionnaire, you must * Register to the TWiki (you can do it even without being an OGC member) * Edit the page * Add a row for your ans...
Synthesis of the Met Questionnaire on WMS date : 18 September 2009 Contributors : 15 contributions have been received (10 from OGC members) * 1 from an inte...
The European Group On meteorological WorkStations (EGOWS) 2009 took place in KNMI in De Bilt, Netherlands from June 8th to June 11th gathering 43 participants fr...
When Web Map Tiles are constructed with, for example, wind arrows, the wind arrows may cross the boundary of the tile. Users and clients of the WMTS expect seamle...
METAFOR provides a fairly comprehensive coverage of climate modelling concepts from description of models and model components, the configuration of modelling exp...
ICAO SigWx Charts (International Civil Aviation Organisation Significant Weather Charts) Medium Level Significant Weather Chart with a variety of interesting avia...
Vertical Coordinate Reference Systems 1. At the OGC Tech Conference in September 2014 held in Calgary, Canada, an Ad Hoc Working Group on Vertical CRS was called....
Weather Symbols WMO STYLES SYMBOLS Professional meteorologists have traditionally plotted observations and produced forecast charts using a wide range of symbo...
The Meteorology and Oceanography Domain Working Group (Met Ocean DWG) is a community orientated working group of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The group d...
Statistics for MetOceanDWG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploa...
WMO Weather Maps (World Meteorological Organisation) Here is a weather map without contours, and one with contours. The corresponding JSON fragments are here and ...
Use cases for WMS Best Practices Interoperability Experiments Introduction This is a collection of use cases being offered for the Interoperabilitiy Experiments....
Number of topics: 28

Results from TemporalDWG web retrieved at 20:03 (GMT)

OGC Technical Committee 86, Frascati, 2013 09 23, 15:45 17:40 Local time (CEST) Temporal Ad Hoc Working Group Agenda 15:45 Welcome, teleconf technology struggles...
WMO Codes Tables from Text based formats: Manual on Codes Part A 0200 a ...
Number of topics: 2
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