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Results from Main web retrieved at 14:54 (GMT)

List of OGC Public Wiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the ...
r227 - 07 Mar 2011 - 16:38 by TWikiRegistrationAgent
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
List of OGC Public Wiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the ...
Number of topics: 3

Results from CitSciIE web retrieved at 14:54 (GMT)

Pre KickOff meeting * Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 09:00 to 16:00 * Venue: 102 Boulevard Carl Vogt, 1211 Genève, Switzerland Summary WeObserve launched...
Official Kick off meeting. This is the page for preparation of the kick off meeting on Friday September 14th 2018. New information will be added as soon as it is ...
COWM conference meeting (November 27th 2018, 14.50) Venice * When?: CitSciIE f2f meeting in Veni...
EGU conference 2019 Face to face meetings Thanks for let us know your intentions for both meeting opportunities by completing the following table: https://drive.g...
Citizen Science Workshop in the EuroGEOSS workshop When * On Thusday the 4th, in this 2 slots with a break in the middle: * 14:00 15:30 * 16:15 ...
CitSciIE. Phase 1. Result The results of this phase has been documented in the following ER: 083.html SubGroups During the...
CitSciIE, Phase 2 Topics we are dealing with Experiment with the SensorThings API In the first phase of the interoperability experiment we focused on the use of...
Call for reporting on Citizen Science project databases and API Can you tell us where did you saw a Cit Sci project list, database of API? Ideally provid and endp...
Data sharing using OGC standards such as O M and SOS Services participating * Call for reporting on SOS services and clients * Call for reporting on citize...
Integration into GEOSS. Proposal from Earth Challange and Valantis conclusions Scent Main.JoanMaso 21 Feb 2019 This is a brief summary of the discussion about...
The issue of the "moving sensor" * The issue is: Assuming that we have a family of sensor of the same model that move while it does puntual observations... ...
Data for the Open Data Explotation Challenge * RitmeNatura_odc.csv: Ritme Natura Phenology Observations * MeetMeeMechelen.csv: Meet Mee Mechelen Air Quality...
Call for report on SOS server and clients Please, if you have a server or client URL, please publish it here by simply editing this page. If you have adatabase or...
Speed issue in GetObservation interpretation Hi, I'm trying to visualize 8607 points of a four campaigns of the Meet Mee Mechelen in a map browser. I'm indexing t...
Sprint Telco 01 This flash event has been proposed as a substituion of the Delft f2f meeting that we were forced to cancel due to the COVID 19 outbreak Agenda ...
First telecom When: June 27th 2018 Starts at 12:00 Ended at: 13:20 Agenda and minutes * Atendees: Joan Masó, Andreas Matheus, Andy Cobley, Bart de Lathouwer, ...
Third telecon When: October 10th 2018 15:00 PM CEST 9:00 AM EDT Conflict with the COST CS hackathon event at the OGRS symposium in Lugano (Jakub Trojan, Rob Lem...
Telco #4 When: November 7th 2018 15:00 PM CET 9:00 AM EDT Attendants Andy Cobley, Joan Masó, Luigi Ceccaroni, Rob Lemmens, Simon Jirka, Sven Schade, Tommaso A...
Telco #5 When: December 20th 2018 15:00 PM CET 9:00 AM EDT Attendants * Joan Masó * Anne Bowser * Friederike Klan * Lucy Bastin * Maria Krommyd...
Telco #10 When: June 11th 2019 3:00 PM CET Attendants Andy Cobley, Fran (IberCivis), Simon Jirka, Sven Schade, Peter Brenton, Anne Bowser, Lucy Bastin, Ester Pr...
Telco Focussed 01 When: December 3rd 2018 17:30 CET 11:30 AM EDT Attendants Agenda * Discussion on the Single Sign On aspect and possible federation with...
Vocabularies for organizing Citizen Science projects * How to publish Vocabularies: PublishingDefs * Observations (Working item V.2): ObservedPropertiesRegi...
%IF{ "istopic '.DefaultWebStatistics'" then="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.DefaultWebStatistics$quot}$percent" else="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.DefaultWebStatistics$quot}$perc...
Number of topics: 23

Results from CitizenScienceDWG web retrieved at 14:54 (GMT)

The SWE4CS work started before this DWG was created. This page is to follow this initiative progress. Please also check:
List of standards that can be useful for Citizen Science (based on and Initial work done in the H2020 Groudtruth 2.0) The list of standards provided by this docum...
Number of topics: 2

Results from ILAFpublic web retrieved at 14:54 (GMT)

Actividades ILAF Main.JoanMaso 04 Jan 2015
El crecimiento del uso de la información es la base de los beneficios de interoperabilidad, tanto para los usuarios de tecnología como para los proveedores.Los mi...
Día de la interoperabilidad 2011 El Foro Ibérico y Latinoamericano de OGC (OGC ILAF) organiza su primer día de la interoperabilidad (con el soporte del ICC) dentr...
Día de la interoperabilidad Borrador de la agenda (provisional) Día 13 de marzo de 2015 hora titulo ponente 09:00h Bienvenida del ICGC Jaume Mirand...
Lista de inscripciones al ILAF * Joan Capdevila Subirana (IGN/CNIG) * Joan Masó Pau (CREAF) * Athina Trakas (OGC) * Martín Álvarez Espinar (W3C España...
Planificación del evento de los 10 años de ILAF En el año 2019 celebraremos 10 años de existencia. Tenemos a intención de realizar un acto de celbración. Esa pági...
Primera reunión de 2015 del TC OGC en Barcelona Introducción Los próximos días 9 a 13 de marzo de 2015 (la semana siguiente al Mobile World Congress), y actualme...
Hola, No hace ni una semana que el OGC a puesto a votación 2 documentos relacionados. El modelo abstracto para OWS Context y la codificación XML en ATOM del OWS C...
Main.JoanMaso 27 Sep 2010
Buscar el estándar correcto Cuando un implementador o usuario necesita una determinada funcionalidad puede consultar la lista de estándares del OGC en http://www....
Objetivos de ILAF El Foro Ibérico y Latinomaericano de OGC (OGC ILAF) quiere abarcar la comunidad de habla hispana y portuguesa interesada en los desarrollos y ob...
Reunión OGC ILAF en JIIDE 2011 Estás invitado a la reunión del OGC ILAF que va a tener lugar en el marco de la JIIDEE que se celebra en Barcelona. Os esperamos e...
Día de la interoperabilidad y reunión ILAF Tarde del día: 6 de Noviembre de 2014 en Lisboa. Agenda: 14:30_14:40 Athina Trakas Introducción 14:40_15:00 ...
Día de la interoperabilidad y reunión ILAF Tarde (16 17:30) del día: 29 de septiembre de 2016 en Barcelona. Sala: B3 (con capacidad para 45 personas), Palau de Co...
Día de la interoperabilidad y reunión ILAF Mañana (9 11) del día: 17 de noviembre de 2017 en Lisboa. Sala 2 Durante las VIII Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestructura...
Día de la interoperabilidad y reunión ILAF * Próxima reunión ILAF el jueves 18 de Octubre 16:00 a 17:00 en las JIIDE 2018 en el Lazareto de Mahón (Menorda) ...
Día de la interoperabilidad y reunión ILAF * Próxima reunión ILAF el viernes 25 de Octubre 09:00 a 10:00 en las JIIDE 2019 en Cáceres Agenda: 09:00_09:01 ...
* Main.JoanMaso * Main.JordiValeriano * Main.JozefMatula * Main.KevinStegemoller * Main.MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez * Main.TWikiGuest example #...
Statistics for ILAFpublic Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and upload...
Number of topics: 19

Results from MetOceanDWG web retrieved at 14:54 (GMT)

The European Group On meteorological WorkStations (EGOWS) 2009 took place in KNMI in De Bilt, Netherlands from June 8th to June 11th gathering 43 participants fr...
Number of topics: 1
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