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Results from HydrologyDWG web retrieved at 19:10 (GMT)

GW2IE Meeting 8 Mon 09 Dec 2013 Conceptual Model Agenda * Welcome * OGC status update * Welcome BOM Australia to GW2IE (D.Lowe, B.Simons*) * W...
GWIE2 Meeting 1 23 Oct 2012 Kick off meeting Connection Instructions The meeting will occur on Tues 23 Oct 2012. If you wish to test your connection (highly r...
Telecon 11 August 2pm UTC Agenda for the Telecon 1. Update from Use Case co ordinators * Progress * Possibility of demonstration at Toulouse 1...
Meeting details 1 Time: September 19 20, 2011, 09:00 11:00 (Mon), 13:00 16:00 (Tues) Time at other locations: Monday, Tuesday Venue: OGC Technical Committee Me...
Call 2010 05 25 Connection Details * dates: Tues May 25 (N.America), Wed May 26 (AU) * times: 5pm (Ottawa), 4pm CT (WI), 7am (AU) fixed time here: http...
Discussion for GWML2 CM 0.2 Please note that GWML2 CM 0.2 is strictly a "seed" model, intended to kick off discussion and stimulate revision. Main.BoyanBrodari...
Groundwater Interoperability Experiment 2 (GW2IE) Description The purpose of this interoperability experiment (IE) is to develop an international information mod...
Hydrologic Forecasting Interoperability Experiment Description This interoperability experiment will further advance the development of WaterML 2.0 and test its ...
Telecon 29 March 2pm UTC Agenda for the Telecon * Welcome * Any Feedback on IE documentation * What is still to do * Update on timeline * Anything...
Telecon 12 May 2pm UTC Agenda for the Telecon 1. Feedback from the OAB 1. Next steps prior to Silver Spring kick off. Attendees Stefan Fuest, Simon Jirka,...
Telecon October 28 2pm UTC Agenda for the Telecon Agenda 1. Update on progress since Toulouse 1. Follow up on workshop 1. Early discussions on pro...
Planning up till Kick Off This page contains some of the older planning content which was used to get the IE moving up until kick off. Current Status and Timetab...
Meeting details Time: June 15, 2010, 08:00 noon Time at other locations: time and Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting at NOAA, Silver Spring. ...
Surface Water Interoperability Experiment Next Telecon TBA Next meeting Thurs 8th September 2pm UTC. Agenda 1 Update from all participants Technical 1 Pr...
Time: March 9, 1:00 2:45pm Eastern Standard Time, Room C2 131 Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Washington DC, at the World Bank, March 7 11, 2016. TC Mee...
2017 Hydro DWG Workshop, National Water Center, Tuscaloosa, USA * When: 19 23 June 2017 * Where: National Water Center, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA * Purp...
Number of topics: 16
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