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Results from GeoSciMLswg web retrieved at 21:24 (GMT)

Borehole Intervals Recent efforts to stand up a WFS service for borehole samples has highlighted a major problem with delivering downhole intervals via WFS. (I t...
Dublin meeting of GeoSciML SWG, 23 June, 2016 Meeting Location Quarterly OGC Technical Committee meeting, Dublin, Ireland Attendees * Main.OllieRaymond (Geoscie...
Record of email trail regarding the association between GeomorphologicUnit and GeologicUnit (called unitDescription) In the INSPIRE Thematic cluster we have rece...
Ispra meeting of all CGI/OGC Working Groups, 28 30 October, 2015 including the OGC/CGI GeoSciML Standards Working Group, CGI Geoscience Terminology Working Gr...
GeoSciML GWML join SWG meeting Agenda Topics 1 Potential change to GeoSciML 4.2 (AbstractDescription missing) 1 MappingFrame for Borehole 1 WFS 3.0 and...
Optional vs Mandatory properties in GeoSciML v4 The SWG needs to decide on the policy for “mandatory voidable” vs “optional voidable” attributes. Options cons...
GeoSciML SWG meeting Orléans 2018 * Regular business (CR, which are just typos and omission in the documentation) * ISO 19115 3 metadata dependency (If I...
The starting point for the GeoSciML 4 XML implementation is a collection of requirements that correspond to known or anticipated use scenarios for geoscience info...
Southampton GeoSciML SWG Meeting SWG meeting at the Southampton OGC TC Date and Location See calendar :
Items for Discussion * GeoSciML v3 documentation as the abstract specification for GeoSciML v4 * identify requirements and conformance classes (see Water...
Teleconference OGC Quarterly meeting, Washington DC, USA March 2014 Agenda * Review of work with defining requirements for the conceptual model for GeoSciML ...
GeoSciML v4 teleconference Tuesday, June 16, 2015 13:00 GMT Join meeting by clicking this link: Access Code: 331...
Minutes of GeoSciML teleconference May 13, 2014 Data Model * Proposal from Bruce to make MappedFeature more generic so that it could be reused by other domai...
Tucson meeting, 29 June 3 July, 2014 Meeting Location: Conference rooms at the Lodge on the Desert, Tucson Arizona. 306 North Alvernon Way,Tucson, Arizona 8571...
Vancouver GeoSciML meeting June 11th 2018 Geological Survey of Canada Vancouver (British Columbia) Agenda PM AGENDA: 13:00* #x2010; 16:00 ( Pacific Daylight T...
Geological Survey of AustriaNeulinggasse 38, 1030 Wien, AustriaMonday, 29 May 20178:30am 5:00 pm Agenda 1 Welcome to the meeting and sorting out of any tele...
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Number of topics: 21
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