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Results from MetOceanDWG web retrieved at 21:36 (GMT)

Meeting details Agenda 1. MDWG progress reports 8:00 8:20 : WMS works, IE, EGOWS conference feedback (Marie Francoise Voidrot) 8:20 8:40 : Conceptual Modelli...
Minutes of Telecon 18 May 2010 Attendees * Aaron Braeckel * Bruce Wright (chair) * Frédéric Guillaud * Pete Trevelyan * Dominic Lowe Apologies ...
Minutes of Telecon 01 June 2010 Attendees * Aaron Braeckel * Bruce Wright * Frédéric Guillaud * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * John Schattel * Dominic...
Minutes of Telecon 27 July 2010 Attendees * Andrew Woolf (chair) * Bruce Wright Agenda 1) Review Actions * ACTION A9: AW to flesh out polar year use ...
Harmonised TWG AC MF Met Ocean DWG Use Cases ****************************************************************************************************************...
Note: PRIORITY USE CASES / themes 1 Aviation 1 Hydrometeorology 1 Climate science Institutional Use Cases These use cases are meant to document a set of...
Scratch Area. Summary of MetOcean DWG and INSPIRE TWG AC MF Use Cases These are the harmonised use cases for the MetOcean DWG and INSPIRE TWG AC MF (Thematic Wor...
The Meteorology and Oceanography Domain Working Group (Met Ocean DWG) is a community orientated working group of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The group d...
Statistics for MetOceanDWG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploa...
Number of topics: 9
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