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Results from MetOceanDWG web retrieved at 23:17 (GMT)

These minutes have been copied unedited from the Huddle site The presentation summarizing the output from the conceptual modelling working group @ the 2nd Worksho...
These minutes have been copied unedited from the Huddle site PRE MEETING NOTE In previous meeting (15th Dec 2009) we agreed a number of points that provide scope...
These minutes have been copied unedited from the Huddle site Meeting Notes 26 January 2010 Attendees: Jeremy Tandy Marie Francoise Voidrot Jean Pierre Aubagnac ...
Minutes of Telecon 09 02 2010 Attendees * Jean Pierre Aubagnac * Andrew Woolf * Dominic Lowe * Frédéric Guillaud * John Schattel * Bruce Wrigh...
Minutes of Telecon 23 02 2010 Attendees * Jean Pierre Aubagnac * Frédéric Guillaud * John Schattel * Bruce Wright * Ethan Davis * Chris Littl...
Minutes of Telecon 23 March 2010 Attendees * Frédéric Guillaud * Bruce Wright (chair) * Ben Domenico * Andrew Woolf * Chris Little * Dominic Lo...
Minutes of Telecon 20 April 2010 Attendees * Aaron Braeckel * Adrian Custer * Frédéric Guillaud * Ethan Davis * Bruce Wright (chair) Apologies ...
Minutes of Telecon 01 June 2010 Attendees * Aaron Braeckel * Bruce Wright * Frédéric Guillaud * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * John Schattel * Dominic...
Minutes of Telecon 22 June 2010 Attendees * Frédéric Guillaud * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * Dominic Lowe Telecon arrangements: This telecon was due to be an...
Minutes of Telecon 29 June 2010 Attendees * Anu Abhayasinghe (BoM) * Bruce Wright * Frédéric Guillaud * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * John Schattel *...
Minutes of Telecon 05 July 2010 Attendees * Bruce Bannerman (BoM, Australia) * Pete Taylor (CSIRO, Australia) * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * Bruce Wright ...
Minutes of Telecon 13 July 2010 Attendees * John Schatell * Frederic G * Aaron B * Pete T * Spiros V * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * Bruce Wright ...
Minutes of Telecon 20 July 2010 Attendees * Bruce Bannerman * Bob Wilson * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * Bruce Wright Agenda 1) Australian Emergency Re...
Minutes of Telecon 27 July 2010 Attendees * Andrew Woolf (chair) * Bruce Wright Agenda 1) Review Actions * ACTION A9: AW to flesh out polar year use ...
Minutes of Telecon 03 August 2010 Attendees * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * Bruce Wright Agenda 1) Telcon Arrangements There was some confusion about whether o...
Minutes of Telecon 10 August 2010 Attendees * Frédéric Guillaud * Aaron Braeckel * John Schatell * Andrew Woolf * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * Bruce ...
Minutes of Telecon 14 September 2010 Attendees * Frédéric Guillaud * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * Bruce Wright Apologies * Bruce Bannerman * Andrew Wo...
Conceptual Modelling Hot Topics Please add any outstanding questions here that you had hoped to raise at the Telcon, so they can been responded to. Main.BruceWr...
The Meteorology and Oceanography Domain Working Group (Met Ocean DWG) is a community orientated working group of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The group d...
Statistics for MetOceanDWG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploa...
Number of topics: 20
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