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Results from Main web retrieved at 13:57 (GMT)

List of OGC Public Wiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the ...
r227 - 07 Mar 2011 - 16:38 by TWikiRegistrationAgent
List of OGC Public Wiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the ...
Number of topics: 2

Results from HydrologyDWG web retrieved at 13:58 (GMT)

AGU 2009 Fall Meeting Attendees * NRCan (CAN): Main.BoyanBrodaric * USGS (USA): Main.NateBooth * CSIRO (AU): Main.PeterFitch * UCSD (USA): Main.Ilya...
Call 2009 12 03 Connection Details * dates: Thurs Dec 03 (N.America), Fri Dec 04 (AU) * times: 5pm (Ottawa), 4pm CT (WI), 8am (AU) * phone number: 605...
CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System Project has developed services based infrastructure for publishing, cataloguing, discovering and accessing hydrologic observa...
There are a variety of data forms that are being output and utilized by the community. Main.DavidValentine 09 Jul 2009
We will need to begin to have some goverance of additional common named parameter, if information exchange is to be maintained. The HDWG will need to decide when ...
Call 2009 11 03 Main.DavidValentine 03 Nov 2009
Documents from DWG Members Main.IlyaZaslavsky 11 Nov 2009
Confirmed Attendees (Please indicate your affiliation required for building access) * Main.EricBoisvert Natural Resources Canada, Canada (June 17 21) * ...
Announcement Dates: 15 18 March, 2010 (Formal component on 16th and 17th) Venue: JRC, Ispra, Italy Purpose: This meeting will be the first workshop of the Hy...
Meeting details Time: December 8, 2009, 13:00 16:00 Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting held at Mountain View, CA. TC Meeting Info TC Meeting Agenda Re...
OGC TC 2009 12 08 Attendees * NRCan (CAN): Main.EricBoisvert, Main.BoyanBrodaric * USGS (USA): Main.NateBooth, Main.TomKunicki, Main.ILinKuo * CSIRO (AU...
Deltaeres 1 Fitting of rating curve USGS HydroML 1
Meeting details Time: January 16, 2013, 13:00 17:00 (Wed). Time at other locations Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Redlands, CA. TC Meeting Info TC Meet...
SOS tool discussion Parsing results from services This is from 2010 Feb 04 meeting. Nathan pointed out that NRCan and USGS service are different because they us...
This is an open page for WaterML2 change requests. Domain Time Series Improvements to WaterML2 Timeseries domain. WaterML2 Timeseries had basic domain time serie...
Statistics for HydrologyDWG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uplo...
Number of topics: 16

Results from WaterML web retrieved at 13:58 (GMT)

Analytical Examples A related observation includes a link to a reference to an analytical information. Sample File: AnalyticalSamples.xml ...
These examples are equally spaced values in which the client must calculate the time for each value. In case 1: measurement timeseries min daily discharge monthly...
There are several fragment components: Components: * MonitoringPoint * ObservationProcess * ObservationMetadata * LocalDictionaries * Source TimeVa...
* UseCases * BaseTimeandSpacing * OffsetOnTVP * AnalyticalReference * Detailed * MultipleObservations * MultipleProcessingLevels ...
Examples: * WaterML2 Collection * measurement collection_minimal.xml * measurement collection.xml * OM_Observation * measurement mininal.xml...
We anticipate that examples will be avilable from a public source control (subversion, git, mercurial). This will allow for offline testing and development of cli...
Best Practice: WaterML 2 defines a single Sampling Feature, a monitoring point. Ideally, this is related to a SampledFeature. Future Hydrologic Domain Working Gro...
Point Examples: * Minimal * Local Dictionary 2011 11 16T00:00:00 11:00 2.0 ...
4.1 ft from riverbed (middle) Derived Value 999999.0 ...
Multiple Observations with different observered properties can be returned (multiple locaitons, too). CUAHSI Example. MultipleObservations.xml this is an example ...
In this example, multiple processing levels are found in the timeseries Source: MultipleProcessingLevels.xml Local Dictionary: quality ...
Exmaples: * ObsMeta_minimal.xml * ObsMeta_multiple_sources.xml Main.DavidValentine 26 Jun 2012
* observation process Algorithm_withParameters.xml * observation process Algorithm.xml Main.DavidValentine 26 Jun 2012
TODO: * RestAccess * OgcSensorObservationService Discussions from the HDWG *
In a SOS response, the collection metadata is in an extentsion and the OM_Observation are sos:ObservationData Sample File: sos_response_example.xml ...
Validating WaterML 2.0 The WaterML 2 specification includes an XML schema and a schematron which is used to validate files. OGC official repository for WaterML 2....
WaterML2 requires the use of vocabularies and references in order to exchange information. Vocabularies Requirements: identifier that is resolvable (reference WMO...
WaterML 2.0 Getting Started WaterML 2 has a basic hierarchy, that covers the location, method/procedure, data values for in situ timeseries. Items you need to k...
Number of topics: 18
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