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Results from BigDataDwg web retrieved at 09:29 (GMT)

BigData.DWG Meeting 2014 mar 25 08:00, Crystal City Agenda (tentative): * Governance * WG and Charter presentation (Peter Baumann, John Herring) ...
Known Big Data Relevant Groups This page collects information about other working groups, bodies, etc. relevant in the field of Big Data. You find one missing? Fe...
Standards and Bodies This page collects standards relevant for Big Data, as well as relevant bodies performing standardization or other relevant activities in the...
Big Geo Data Use Case Collection (raw) This page collects use cases (and is awaiting your addition!). To preserve all information received no use case will be del...
Big Geo Data Analytics editors: Peter Baumann, Chuck Heazel Introduction "Big Data is the term used to describe the deluge of data in our networked, digitized, s...
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Number of topics: 10
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