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Results from UrbanPlanningDWG web retrieved at 10:56 (GMT)

Barcelona OGC TC Meeting, 9 March 2015 Full TC Meeting Agenda Times and Rooms Urban Planning DWG Agenda, Meeting Notes and Addendums (some speakers TBD ot...
* Boulder, Colorado, TC Meeting, June 2015* Agenda (Open for modification Until May 15, 2015) add agenda item here "Title, Presenter and approximate length of t...
Calgary OGC TC Meetings, 15 September 2014, 1700 1800, Canadian Mountain Time (GMT 6) (open to all) * Agenda * UP DWG Calgary Presentation Herring Local ...
Dublin, Ireland, TC Meeting, 22 June 2016: Wednesday 13:00 14:45 GotoMeeting Joining Details 1. Please join my meeting, Wed Jun 22nd 8:00 AM EDT.https://www4....
Topic: 3D model formats for urban planning their use with/in Augmented Reality When selecting and preparing for the 3D Geospatial Geneva project, we requested d...
Newsletters: Main.JohnHerring 24 Mar 2015
Nottingham, UK, TC Meeting, 14 18 September 2015 Agenda Planning SWG Charter Giuseppe Conti * 15 007_PlanningML_Standards_Working_Group_Charter.docx: 15 0...
Draft Charter 16 127r1_SmartCities_Domain_Working_Group_Charter(6).docx: 16 127r1 SmartCities Domain Working Group Charter GotoMeeting Joining Details 1. Pleas...
On line Discussion of Merger with SmartCities DWG, 7 Sept. 2016 Comment 8 Sept 2016 Comment: A very good online meeting with some good ideas on terminology. ...
Sydney, Australia, TC Meeting, 1 December 2015:13:30 15:15 Theme: Urban Activities and the geographic services that they need. Open Agenda* (Best guess for "To...
Urban Activities ad hoc Sydney, Australia, TC Meeting, 1 December 2015:13:30 15:15 Open Agenda* (Best guess for "Topic Name" "Presenter Name" "Time Require...
Tokyo OGC TC Meetings, 12 December 2014 * Agenda: 2014_Tokyo_Urban_Planning_DWG_Agenda.pptx * Conti Presentation on Urban Planning: 2014_Tokyo_Conti Ideas...
Washington DC, TC Meeting, 8 March 2016: 10:30 12:00 Open Agenda* (Best guess for "Topic Name" "Presenter Name" "Time Required in minutes") (order of pres...
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Number of topics: 18
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