50 recent changes in QualityOfService Web retrieved at 20:33 (GMT)

OWS Quality of Service ad hoc meeting 5th July 2016 * Meeting minutes (rtf, final) * Recording (mp4 82Mb) Main.IlkkaRinne 17 Jul 2016
The INSPIRE requirement for QoS metadata for Spatial Data Servives The INSPIRE Directive of European Union requires declaring the following Quality of Service met...
Title (Goal): Create a web map service optimized for public consumption Primary Actor: Dan, a GIS data manager. Scope: Dan, a GIS data manager working in a scienc...
Title (Goal): View a web map service (OGC WMS) Primary Actor: Economic policy analyst Jan is a federal government employee responsible for policy recommendations ...
Use case: SDI Status Dashboard Susan's goal Susan is a member of the team whose responsibility is to monitor the functionality of the critical components of the ...
Use case: Service load testing setup (Spatineo Performance) Clara's goal Organization X is providing several national level geospatial datasets using OGC WMS and...
Use case: Service monitoring setup (Spatineo Monitor) Janet's goal Organization X is providing several national level geospatial datasets using OGC WMS and WFS s...
User Story As an OWS administrator, I want to assess the reliability of my OWS so that I can improve quality of service of my OWS resources. Details * Given a...
User Story As a user, I want to assess the reliability of OWS resources so that I can integrate data services without my application breaking. Details * Given...
OWS Quality of Service survey The sole aim of this survey is to determine the scope and resources for the possible new OGC working group around the topics related...
QualityOfService Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on ...
OGC Public Wiki's QualityOfService web
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This topic: QualityOfService > WebHome > WebChanges
Topic revision: 05 Jul 2016, GregBuehler
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