Backlinks to DataSharingSubGroup in CitSciIE Web (Search all webs)

Results from CitSciIE web retrieved at 19:53 (GMT)

CitSciIE. Phase 1. Result The results of this phase has been documented in the following ER: 083.html SubGroups During the...
Integration into GEOSS. Proposal from Earth Challange and Valantis conclusions Scent Main.JoanMaso 21 Feb 2019 This is a brief summary of the discussion about...
The issue of the "moving sensor" * The issue is: Assuming that we have a family of sensor of the same model that move while it does puntual observations... ...
Speed issue in GetObservation interpretation Hi, I'm trying to visualize 8607 points of a four campaigns of the Meet Mee Mechelen in a map browser. I'm indexing t...
Telco #7 When: February 21th 2019 13:00 PM CET * secessionists block highways train tracks in strike/2019/02/2...
Telco #8 When: March 29th 2019 09:30 AM CET Attendants Andreas Matheus, Friederike Klan, Andy Cobley, Simon Jirka, Maria Krommyda, Jessica Bardlaw, Bente Lilja ...
Telco #9 When: May 16th 2019 4:00 PM CET Attendants Andy, Simon, Thomas, Ester, Joan Previous Action Points * Frederike will monitor the process to make the...
Number of topics: 7
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