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Results from AviationDWG web retrieved at 09:49 (GMT)

The meeting took place in Eurocontrol HQ, Brussels, on October 21st and 22nd, 2010. Participants: * Nadine Alameh, OGC * David Burggraf, Galdos Systems *...
Presentations: * Eurocontrol Presentation. Hubert Lepori, Eurocontrol * FAA SAA Dissemination Pilot, Johannes Echterhoff * OWS 8 Aviation Thread. Nadine A...
Presentations: * AIXM 5 and GML CRS Considerations. David Burggraf, Galdos * OWS 8 Aviation requirements and schedule David Arctur, OGC * Migration of Aust...
Presentations: * AIXM Change Management Eurocontrol * Role of the Aviation DWG Metadata and GML profiles Eurocontrol * Use of B XML in aeronautical d...
Main.EddyPorosnicu 03 March 2015 A first version of this document was published in 2012 as OGC Discussion Paper (). An updated version has now been prepared and h...
OWS 8 Guidelines for Retrieving AIXM 5.1 via an OGC WFS 2.0 One of the key deliverables of the OGC OWS 8 Aviation thread was an Engineering Report provide guideli...
Abstract Various interoperability test beds at OGC, in particular OWS 7 and OWS 8, have applied OGC’s WFS 2.0 and FES 2.0 standards on AIXM 5 data. Though it coul...
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AviationDWG Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the AviationDWG web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
Statistics for AviationDWG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploa...
Number of topics: 10
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