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Results from QualityOfService web retrieved at 21:18 (GMT)

Group activities on timeline Content moved to the QoS wiki main page Main.IlkkaRinne 21 Sep 2016
The INSPIRE requirement for QoS metadata for Spatial Data Servives The INSPIRE Directive of European Union requires declaring the following Quality of Service met...
Meetings Upcoming group meetings Regular group meetings will be held once a month, usually on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. For the regular meetings we use th...
OWS Quality of Service survey The sole aim of this survey is to determine the scope and resources for the possible new OGC working group around the topics related...
Implementations / Demonstrations * FGDC Service Status Checker:The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) provides a Service Status Checker (SSC) web service...
QoSE DWG Work Programme Priority work topics for 2018 * QoS metrics and metadata * Recommend QoS metrics for OGC Web Services based on the QoS survey re...
Please provide concrete user centric use case descriptions to be used for defining the scope of the OWS QoS WG. Create a new wiki page for each use case descripti...
This is how our working group communicates: * We have a mailing list qose.dwg (at), please subscribe though the OGC Portal (for member...
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Number of topics: 13
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