Backlinks to SigWx in MetOceanDWG Web (Search all webs)

Results from MetOceanDWG web retrieved at 20:16 (GMT)

These minutes have been copied unedited from the Huddle site PRE MEETING NOTE In previous meeting (15th Dec 2009) we agreed a number of points that provide scope...
Minutes of Telecon 10 August 2010 Attendees * Frédéric Guillaud * Aaron Braeckel * John Schatell * Andrew Woolf * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * Bruce ...
Minutes of Telecon 14 September 2010 Attendees * Frédéric Guillaud * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * Bruce Wright Apologies * Bruce Bannerman * Andrew Wo...
Constituents Who are the main parties involved in the conceptual modelling activity or rather, which communities are responsible for driving the requirements? N...
Minutes and Actions from Conceptual Modelling Telecons No Telecons are scheduled at present, as the engagement process will be discussed at the OGC TC meeting in...
Feature and Coverage Portrayal using SLD/SE In this context Feature Portrayal is defined as visualizing GML Features, and Coverage Portrayal as visualizing covera...
To fill in the questionnaire, you must * Register to the TWiki (you can do it even without being an OGC member) * Edit the page * Add a row for your ans...
Met Ocean DWG 1st Interoperability Experiment volunteerings Please add you details if you are interested to participate in the WMS IE: Organisation Contact(s)...
Met Ocean DWG INteroperability Experiments volunteerings * Answer N° * * Are you interested in participating in any Interoperability Experiments in the next fe...
Servers offering access to Met Ocean products (= ReSorted by type of data) Provider Type Service Contact Capabilities Comment Australian ...
* Main.MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez 09 Jun 2011 Numerical model output available on several servers : * · GFS data * UCAR Unidata : Global model da...
SigWx Jet Line with Internal Structure Visualization Visualization Goal External Regulations or Conventions Support in the SE Example Data SLD/SE visualizati...
SigWx Chart Border for Area of Significant Weather Visualization Visualization Goal External Regulations or Conventions Support in the SE Example Data SLD/SE...
Weather Symbols WMO STYLES SYMBOLS Professional meteorologists have traditionally plotted observations and produced forecast charts using a wide range of symbo...
Number of topics: 14
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