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Results from MetOceanDWG web retrieved at 21:26 (GMT)

MetOcean plugfest 2015 Where: ECMWF, Reading, UK When: 2nd October 2015 as part of the Visualisation in Meteorology week Outcome The general observation is tha...
To fill in the questionnaire, you must * Register to the TWiki (you can do it even without being an OGC member) * Edit the page * Add a row for your ans...
Synthesis of the Met Questionnaire on WMS date : 18 September 2009 Contributors : 15 contributions have been received (10 from OGC members) * 1 from an inte...
Met Ocean DWG 1st Interoperability Experiment volunteerings Please add you details if you are interested to participate in the WMS IE: Organisation Contact(s)...
Servers offering access to Met Ocean products (= ReSorted by type of data) Provider Type Service Contact Capabilities Comment Australian ...
MetOcean plugfest 2016 Where: FMI, Helsinki, Finland When: 21 September 2016 as part of the EGOWS 2016 meeting Findings This was a follow up from 2016 see last...
* Main.MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez 09 Jun 2011 Numerical model output available on several servers : * · GFS data * UCAR Unidata : Global model da...
Number of topics: 7
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