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Results from Ideas4OGC web retrieved at 10:23 (GMT)

Ideas4OGC Update on Ideas4OGC: Initial Recommendations (October 2013) Introduction Formally kicked off on June 20th, 2013, the Ideas for OGC (Ideas4OGC) process...
Topic: Improve Communication The OGC includes many different participants working in many different work groups. Lack of effective communication between groups le...
Topic: Open OGC Processes The OGC has been criticized for being too closed, both internally and to the outside world. Internally, the processes of the OGC and th...
Topic: Self Assessment The OGC should underake periodic self assessment reviews of its work towards its mission, integrating a mix of textual analysis by OGC Offi...
Topic: Update Vision and Mission Statements The intial recommendations are found here. The OGC could update its vision and mission statements. The current vision ...
Topic# Topic Detail Comments Importance 1 TopicUpdateVision Review and update the OGC vision and mission statements. Comments 2 TopicSe...
Number of topics: 6
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