Use Case 1 Discussion Page

Please add comments or any ideas to this page.

-- BoyanBrodaric - 08 Nov 2012

I think this use case should be expanded to allow for the investigation of gw quality in an area as a member of the public would be just as interested in quality as they are in quantity. I understand that the IE is not focusing on water quality information as it is being addressed by other groups, but we may still want to include these requrements in our use cases.

-- JessicaLucido - 20 Nov 2012

Regarding water quality discussion, the water quality for public use shoud be easily understandable and not really consist of detailed chemical and microbial et al details, right? So rather a quality field/attribute for the entities, than a full-fledged water quality "report"? I also added a related comment on GwIe2UseCase3Discussion

-- AlexKmoch - 03 Dec 2012

This topic: HydrologyDWG > WebHome > GroundwaterInteroperabilityExperiment2 > UseCase1 > UseCase1Discussion
Topic revision: 03 Dec 2012, AlexKmoch
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