Backlinks to ExperimentUseCaseDiscussion in HydrologyDWG Web (Search all webs)

Results from HydrologyDWG web retrieved at 05:25 (GMT)

GetCapabilities use case Note: page format will be formalised / cleaned up as we go. The GetCapabilities document is mainly used for discovery of what the service...
Get an Observation at a location This use case is to get an observation at a specific location. There is a nice BBOX example in OGC 06 009r6 ( that I hav...
Groundwater Interoperability Experiment Description This interoperability experiment will advance the development of WaterML 2.0, test its use with various OGC s...
Non technical Issues 1. OGC Standards Dependencies The OGC website presents the public standards as a list without relationships between, and as a result, it...
Number of topics: 4
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