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Results from ClimateChallenge2009 web retrieved at 20:21 (GMT)

CCIP Call for Participation (CFP) Note: the submission deadline is August 10 CCIP sponsors are issuing this CFP for the Climate Challenge Integraton Plugfest (CC...
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology are building a scenario as explained by this email, November/000537.html M...
The CCIP Competitive Process In order to select applications for inclusion on the CCIP traveling system, the organizing committee will evaluate the utility of can...
Future CCIP Conferences The following events have indicated that they may make use of the CCIP, or a derivative of the CCIP, at their event: United Nations Climat...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
ClimateChallenge2009 Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the ClimateChallenge2009 web. These preferences overwrite the site level prefer...
Statistics for ClimateChallenge2009 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save ...
Weekly Meeting: * location: Skype (email your Skype ID to rsingh #64; * time: Sydney: 08:15am, Tuesdays; Berlin: 11:15pm Mond...
Number of topics: 8

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