Backlinks to F2FMeeting-BCN-Nov19 in CitSciIE Web (Search all webs)

Results from CitSciIE web retrieved at 17:18 (GMT)

CitSciIE, Phase 2 Topics we are dealing with Experiment with the SensorThings API In the first phase of the interoperability experiment we focused on the use of...
Telco #11 When: Nov 2019 Attendants Joan Masó, Ester Prat, Andreas Matheus, Andy Cobley, Anne Bowser, Friedrike Klan, Lucy Bastin, Simon Jirka, Sven Schade, Tho...
Telco #12. First of the second phase of the IE When: Jan 2020 Attendants Andreas Matheus, Andy Cobley, Anne Bowser, Joan Masó, Lucy Bastin, Luigi Ceccaroni, Luk...
Telco #13. Second of the second phase of the IE When: Feb 2020 Attendants * Andreas, Andy, Anne, Lucy, BEnte, James, Luigi, Lukas, Valantis. Previous Action...
Twitter Some CitSciIE tweets by joanma747 Initiators: with the support of: Other active...
Number of topics: 5
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